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MONTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Senior Interviews Class of 2017.

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1 MONTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Senior Interviews Class of 2017

2 Counselors Mr. Shirazi A- Ceniceros Mr. McClure Cepeda-Garcia, A.
Mrs. Martinez Garcia, B.-Lopez, K Mrs. Priego Lopez, L.-Ortiz Guerrero Mrs. Revelez Pablo-Sanders Mrs. Monsivais Sandoval-Z Mrs. Shimshock Rams Early College

3 Visit Your Counselor You are Important Need Help dealing with? Stress
Cyber-Bullying Conflict Resolution Harassment Career/College Choice

4 High School Transcript
Review your credits 26 credits to graduate 4 credits in all Core classes 2 credits same foreign language 1credit fine arts ½ credit Speech ½ credit Health 1 credit Technology 1 ½ credits P.E. 3 ½ credits Electives When in doubt, ask your Counselor to verify Some of you may be thinking, ”I don’t remember doing Health…only in 8th grade.” Check on Credit Averaging & Loss of Credit

5 High School Transcript
Graduating Recommended or Distinguished Advantages GPA/Class Rank Needed for Resume or College/Job/Scholarship Applications AP & Dual Credit Courses Opportunities in high school to earn college credit Dual Credit students must order and send EPCC transcript (order at EPCC not at MHS) AP scores must be sent to the Universities (send via on-line)

6 High School Transcript
Must Order “Official” Transcripts Required for Colleges/Scholarships/Military Pick up release form in Counseling Center Sign form if 18 yrs old if not parent signature required Pay $2 per transcript at business office Bring receipt and form with signature to Counselor’s office Transcript Clerk has up to ten days to send it

7 Life After High School
listen to interviews, pros & cons of career, required schooling, pay Attend College Fairs/Forums/Military Recruiters Ask questions (can you get in, can you afford it, etc.) Take your time making decisions Talk to your parents about it

8 Higher Education College degree v. high school diploma
College degree doubles pay Average Annual Earnings for College Graduates and Non-Graduates $109,600 Doctoral Degree $89,400 Master's Degree $62,300 Bachelor's Degree $52,200 Associate's Degree $36,800 High School Graduate Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Surveys

9 SAT/ACT SAT/ACT testing Test early Oct. or Nov.
Major factor for admissions into College & Scholarships Invest time in studying for these tests Register on-line On Free/Reduced lunch? Stop by for fee waiver must have started on-line process & have picture saved Send the scores directly to the Colleges, we cannot send them for you!!!

10 College Applications Select your top schools (UTEP should be done- even if as back-up plan) Research the schools Deadlines, admissions, cost, majors, parents, pros/cons, etc. Complete Application Request letters of Recommendation Send Essays and Resume High school transcript SAT/ACT via websites Application fee All documents must get there on time

11 Top % Rule Students in top 10% of 2017 class
Eligible for automatic admission to any public university in Texas UT Austin- 7% Must still meet application deadline with all required documents

12 Financial Aid Pop Quiz

13 Financial Aid Pop Quiz Answers

14 Financial Aid Obtain a FSA pin # for you and parents
Apply Oct. 1st 2016 Awarded First Come First Serve Basis Financial Aid Night starting in January Financial Aid Office’s available to assist you Gift aid: Grants (to include TEXAS grant, Teach for Texas Grant) Self-Help Aid: Loans Work-study Programs

15 Important Reminders Follow us on twitter at: @MHS_Counselors1
Hand-outs always available Visit with your Counselor for help Visit MHS website Click on Depts. Counseling Follow us on twitter Like us on facebook: Montwood High School Counselors

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