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Cryolab flow tests results

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1 Cryolab flow tests results
Normal and squeezed pipes Claudio Bortolin, Piotr Gach, Kacper Kapusniak

2 Set point measurements
We made the tests using 4 different flows and 3 different power applied to the stave Flows (g/s): – 2 – 2.5 Stave Power (W): 30 – 60 – 90 We considered as reliable only the temperature sensors glued closer to the outlet of the stave surface (n. 12, 14 and 16). Each set point required about 30 minutes after the flow regulation before having a very stable condition The data considered for the tests are the average values of 10 minutes of data taking.

3 Simplified schema CORA Foam Box Inlet Outlet STAVE TRANSFER LINE
Capillary Inlet Sensors SQUEEZE PIPE FT PT TT PT TT TRANSFER LINE Capillary Outlet Sensors Stave Outlet Sensors Stave T surface Sensors (12,14, 16) PT TT STAVE Power Supply Inlet Outlet PT TT Pressure Transmitter Temperature Transmitter FT Flow Transmitter

4 Squeezed Titanium part
Capillary Outlet Temperature Capillary Outlet Pressure Stave Outlet Temperature Capillary Inlet Temperature Stave Outlet Pressure Capillary Inlet Pressure Sensors: 12, 14, 16 Temperature Squeezed Titanium part

5 Squeezed pipe detail Pipe squeezed using a micrometer until we reached the distance of 1.4 mm (1.2 mm inside). The length of the squeezed part is about 6 mm.

6 Stave powered with 90 W N=Normal SP= Squeezed pipe

7 Stave powered with 60 W

8 Stave powered with 30 W

9 Stave Temperatures

10 Stave Temperatures

11 Stave Temperatures

12 Conclusions The pressure drop with the SP is almost negligible
There aren’t any evidence of modification of the evaporation pressure with the SP The sensors glued on the surface of the stave showed a difference of degrees with the SP.

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