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Living Alcohol Free Put the stuff in red font in your notebook! 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Living Alcohol Free Put the stuff in red font in your notebook! 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living Alcohol Free Put the stuff in red font in your notebook! 1

2 Types of Alcohol Types of alcohol include: Beer (around 3-6% alcohol)
Wine (around 12-14% alcohol) Liquor (around 20-50% alcohol)

3 Toxin Alcohol is a Toxin
The body is smart. If it has too much of a toxin, it rejects it, and a person will vomit it out.

4 Time to Throw Up!!

5 Too Much Alcohol Alcohol causes a person’s reaction time to slow down
It can also alter a person’s ability to balance Alcohol can also cause a blackout, in which a person does not remember what has happened

6 Alcohol can cause Bad Decisions
Alcohol can lead to people doing things they normally would not do These decisions can cause a person to end up having sexual relationships, breaking the law, or simply using bad judgment

7 Drinking Alcohol can intensify sexual feelings and dull reasoning
More than half of female teens who become pregnant did so under the influence of alcohol

8 Alcohol and Peer Pressure
When a person is intoxicated (drunk), they are more likely to be talked into other things Peer pressure can cause a person to harm their own body or break the law

9 Is it cool to drink?

10 Alcohol and Emotions Alcohol can intensify emotions
Many people who drink will find themselves sad, depressed, jealous, or angry Most suicide attempts in teens involve alcohol

11 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading cause of mental retardation. Mothers who drink while pregnant put their child at risk for miscarriage, low birth weight, respiratory problems, feeding problems, infections, birth defects, and abnormal reflexes

12 Alcohol Health Facts Alcohol can do heavy damage to the liver, as well as other organs People who drink alcohol have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and stroke

13 BAC BAC stands for blood alcohol concentration. It represents how much alcohol is in a person’s blood Drivers in Kentucky should have a BAC no higher than 0.08

14 Factors Affecting BAC level
Amount consumed Speed consumed Body weight and body fat Gender Amount of food eaten Age If other drugs are found in body

15 Drinking and Driving Due to reaction time being slowed, and balance being altered, drinking and driving kills thousands of people every year Half of all motor vehicle deaths are caused by drunk drivers THEY DID NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN !!!!

16 How Drinking Alcohol Affects Thinking and Decision Making

17 Drinking Alcohol can cause a person to make wrong decisions
It may cause a person to make wrong decisions with their health and safety or reputation

18 A person may say or do things he or she would not say or do
Drinking Alcohol can give you a false sense of self-confidence in social situations A person may say or do things he or she would not say or do

19 Drinking Alcohol can make you feel invincible
A person may do something daring or dangerous

20 Drinking Alcohol can increase the likelihood that a person will give in to peer pressure
A person is more likely to be persuaded by peers to do things he or she would not normally do

21 Drinking Alcohol can cause you to have aggressive behavior
Many acts of violence are due to alcohol

22 Alcohol Myths Myth #1 “Everyone Drinks”
-Fact: 69% of teens say they have not drank in the past month

23 Alcohol Myths Myth #2 “Alcohol gives you energy”
-Fact: alcohol is a depressant that slows you

24 Alcohol Myths Myth #3 “Driving with someone who has been drinking is safe because they will be extra careful” -Fact: 56% of fatal car accidents involve alcohol -Fact: 4,000 teens die every year from car accidents involving alcohol

25 Alcohol Myths Myth #4 “I am too young to get hooked on alcohol”
-Fact: 47% of teens who drank before age 14 become alcoholics as adults

26 Alcohol Myths Myth #5 “My friends will think I’m weird if I don’t drink” -Fact: they are more focused on themselves

27 Alcohol Myths Myth #6 “My parents drink, so what’s the big deal?”
-Fact: your mind and body are still developing, plus it’s illegal until age 21

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