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Disease & Germ Theory.

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1 Disease & Germ Theory

2 Pathogens- a disease causing agent ex- viruses, bacteria, fungus, protist
Diseases caused by viruses: Chicken pox, measles, rubella, mumps, small pox, polio, hepatitis, AIDS, flu, rabies…

3 Vaccine: a substance prepared from killed or weakened pathogens and injected into body to produce an immune response. Immune system: Leukocytes white blood cells make antibodies which attack virus infected cells.


5 Edward Jenner: invented first vaccine for small pox; injected himself with cow pox and made himself immune to small pox. (1796) Jonas Salk: invented vaccine for polio 1950’s Pasteur: invented vaccine for rabies

6 Germ Theory Many diseases arise from germs (microorganisms) attacking the body from the outside. Developed by Louis Pasteur & Robert Koch

7 Pasteur and Redi disproved spontaneous generation
spontaneous generation (abiogensis): Life from non-life


9 Francesco Redi Also, helped disprove spontaneous generation, by setting up an experiment that showed maggots come from flies



12 As a result of the acceptance of germ theory there have been many changes in health practices.
Aseptic technique- procedures used to prevent contamination from microorganisms. Joseph Lister- first surgeon to use aseptic technique; 1867

13 Sanitation: prevent microorganisms from entering food and water
Sanitation: prevent microorganisms from entering food and water. Ex-refrigeration, boiling Antiseptics- kills pathogens on skin ex-hydrogen peroxide Antibiotics- kills bacteria in body

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