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Presentation on theme: "IS THERE VALUE IN STUDYING THE OLD TESTAMENT?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Are we under the Old Law Today?
NO! It was nailed to the cross – Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:19-24 Much of the New Testament is devoted to understanding we are NOT under the Old Law anymore

3 Are we under the Old Law Today?
Understand the Old Testament… Does not determine how we become a Christian (are saved) Acts 4:12, Romans 1:16 Is not a guide for how we worship God today – John 4:23-24

4 Are we under the Old Law Today?
Understand the Old Testament… Does not determine the pattern for the New Testament church (though parts foreshadowed the church) Does not govern how to live as Christians, remain faithful and receive forgiveness as sins

5 Why Study the Old Testament?
Consider… The events are real It tells the story of man’s redemption on this earth Its telling is different than a typical history book – its brevity, etc. Study it intending to understand it & to enhance our understanding of the New Testament

6 Why Study the Old Testament?
Because it is the word of God 2 Peter 1:19-21 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – all scripture given by inspiration is profitable… Even Jesus referred to it as inspired – Luke 24:44, cf. Matthew 4:4

7 Why Study the Old Testament?
Because we are told to learn from it Romans 15:4 - things written before for our learning 1 Corinthians 10:11 – examples for us to learn Galatians 2:24 – our “schoolmaster”

8 Why Study the Old Testament?
We can better understand certain New Testament concepts Jesus often appealed to the Old Testament – Matthew 5:17, 22:31-32, 12:5; 4:4 We can better appreciate spiritual concepts – sanctification, redemption, sacrifice, etc.

9 Why Study the Old Testament?
We can better understand certain New Testament concepts Type/antitypes – some of God’s pattern in the Old Testament was looking toward ultimate fulfillment under the New Law Cf. Ephesians 3:10-11 Hebrews 8:5 (9:23-24) the pattern for the tabernacle

10 Why Study the Old Testament?
We can better understand certain New Testament concepts Type/antitypes – 1 Peter 3:20-21 – baptism Galatians 4:21-31 (vs. 24 – symbolic) Romans 5:12-15 – Adam a type of Christ (opposite) Revelation

11 Why Study the Old Testament?
It is constantly referred to in the New Testament More than 800 times, it is referred to, alluded to or quoted. Romans, Hebrews, Galatians – How did they explain the Old Law was completed? By appealing to it

12 Why Study the Old Testament?
Numerous life lessons: Character studies (Hebrews 11) James 5:10-11– patience of Job James 5:17-18 – Elijah & prayer 1 Corinthians 10:1-10 – how NOT to behave

13 Why Study the Old Testament?
I confirms our faith: Answers to the key questions of life -(cf. Genesis 1:1), the “young earth”? where did sin come from? (Genesis 3), etc. Prophecy – John 5:39. Hundreds of direct prophecies about Jesus and His kingdom. Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 – details about the crucifixion of Jesus Luke 24:44, 1 Peter 1:10-12

14 Why Study the Old Testament?
I confirms our faith: Science and archaeology confirm the “Author” Job 26:7 – hangs the earth on nothing Isaiah 40:22 – circle of the earth Psalm 8:8 – the paths of the sea (Matthew Maury, 1860) Genesis 1:21 – “after its kind”

15 Why Study the Old Testament?
I gives us practical lessons about living: Again, consider the various examples of character, both good and bad The “wisdom literature” Proverbs & Ecclesiastes – both give practical information about man as true today as always (The nature of man doesn’t change)

16 Why Study the Old Testament?
I can help us better understand God: Records the history of God’s dealings with man His nature never changes (Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 102:27, Malachi 3:6) We learn of His character – Psalm 139, 111:9, cf. Romans 11:22 He is in control – 2 Peter 3:5-6 Psalms teach us how to praise Him

17 Let us consider ALL of God’s word with the respect it deserves!


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