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Bellwork: Read over John 1:11-12

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1 Bellwork: Read over John 1:11-12
He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,

2 Ministry of John the Baptist
Lesson 2.1

3 Objectives * Students will know the first biblical account of John’s ministry. *Students will understand the historical context of baptism. *Students will compare Old Testament and New Testament purposes for baptism and conclude the purpose for John’s baptism. *Students will evaluate their own personal boldness for the things of God

4 John vs. Religious Leaders
Who was talking to John in John 1? (1:19) “The Jews”: general term used to refer to religious authorities (not just common citizens of Judea). “Levites”: Jews descended from tribe of Levi. They were ministers in the temple (priests). “Pharisees” (v.24): experts on the Law of Moses. Felt it was their job to prevent Israel from being sent back into captivity.

5 5 Questions of Jewish Leaders
Q1: Who are you? A: I am not the Christ. (John wanted no popularity). Q2: Are you Elijah? A: No (Jews expected Elijah to return b/c he never died). Q3: Are you “the Prophet”? A: No (Moses predicted a greater prophet to come in Deut. 18:15)

6 5 Questions of Jewish Leaders
Q4: What do you say about yourself? A: I am a voice (direct quote from Isaiah 40:3). Q5: Then why are you baptizing? A: To prepare the way for the Messiah.

7 Historical Context of Baptism
Highlight the answers to these questions on your article. For 1st century Jews, what was the purpose of baptism? For Christians, what is the purpose of baptism? Why did the Qumran sect baptize? Why do scholars think John may have been a part of the Qumran sect? What did John say about his baptism?

8 Baptism Baptism in the Old Testament was reserved specifically for those who were being consecrated (set apart) for a special, Godly purpose. Washing yourself was common; however it was rare for someone else to wash another person. God baptized the Jews in the Red Sea, calling them out of their slavery and sin in Egypt to become something new and usable for His purposes They became the nation of Israel. John the Baptist was doing the same thing. He was teaching that Israel was the new Egypt, and that God was calling people to be baptized and become the new chosen people of God!

9 John’s Confession The word “confess” is repeated twice back to back in John 1:20. Authors in the Bible often repeated words to emphasize them (no good system of punctuation). “Confess” means “to agree with” or “say the same thing as.” Comes from Greek word “ὁμολογέω” (homologeo) Application: We are told to “confess our sins.” This means name them. Say the same thing about your sins that God says. Agree with God, then He will forgive them.

10 John’s Humility John made no great claims for himself. John’s Résumé:
He called himself a “voice.” John’s Résumé: Christ called him the “greatest among men.” He was “sent from God.” His birth was announced by an angel. Even after knowing all this, John still said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) John was like the moon; Jesus was the Sun.

11 It’s Your Time to Shine

12 John the Baptist

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