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Who are Euclid ding?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are Euclid ding?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are Euclid ding?

2 Who are Euclid ding? The Greek mathematician Euclid is known as ‘the father of Geometry’, but not much is known about his life away from measuring shapes.

3 Who are Euclid ding? Nobody knows precisely where or when he was born, nor the circumstances and timing of his death. Like many ancient Mathematicians, he lived in Alexandria for some time.

4 Who are Euclid ding? Euclid described the laws of nature as ‘the mathematical thoughts of God’.

5 Who are Euclid ding? Euclid's Elements (all 13 volumes of it) was the main book used to introduce children to geometry for over 2,000 years. Now geometry lessons just feel like they last that long.

6 Who are Euclid ding? It is uncertain whether Euclid formulated the geometric principles expounded in his book, but he was the first mathematician to gather them together comprehensively.

7 Who are Euclid ding? The Elements has been described as the world's most read book, other than the Bible.

8 Who are Euclid ding? As well as geometry, Euclid produced works on optics, mechanics, mirrors and reasoning. The name ‘Euclid’ means ‘Good glory’.

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