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Inventions Preindustrial Age: 1790-1860s.

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1 Inventions Preindustrial Age: s

2 Inventions Year Inventor Invention Picture Importance 1733 John Kay
flying shuttle Increased speed for weaving textiles 1764 James Hargreaves spinning jenny Increased speed of spinning yarn for textiles 1768 Richard Arkwright spinning frame Produced stronger threads for yarn; moved making textiles from the home to factories 1769 James Watt improved steam engine Allowed for the invention of the steamship and trains

3 Year Inventor Invention Picture Importance
1779 Samuel Crompton spinning mule Spun yarn and wove it to create textiles and was faster 1785 Edmund Cartwright power loom Powered by steam it was faster and easier to use and didn’t require strength to weave; women started working in factories 1786 John Fitch Steamboat Faster travel 1799 Alessandro Volta battery 1st practical method of creating electricity

4 Year Inventor Invention Picture Importance
1831 Cyrus McCormick reaper Changed farm reaping from manual to machine 1837 Samuel Morse telegraph Improved communication 1839 Charles Goodyear rubber vulcanization Removed sulfur from the rubber helping it keep its shape longer 1851 Isaac Singer sewing machine Faster than hand sewing 1858 Etienne Lenoir internal combustion engine Powered printing presses and water pumps

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