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Advanced information retreival

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1 Advanced information retreival
Chapter 02: Modeling - Neural Network Model

2 Neural Network Model A neural network is an oversimplified representation of the neuron interconnections in the human brain: nodes are processing units edges are synaptic connections the strength of a propagating signal is modelled by a weight assigned to each edge the state of a node is defined by its activation level depending on its activation level, a node might issue an output signal

3 Neural Networks Neural Networks
Complex learning systems recognized in animal brains Single neuron has simple structure Interconnected sets of neurons perform complex learning tasks Human brain has 1015 synaptic connections Artificial Neural Networks attempt to replicate non-linear learning found in nature Dendrites Cell Body Axon

4 Neural Networks (cont’d)
Dendrites gather inputs from other neurons and combine information Then generate non-linear response when threshold reached Signal sent to other neurons via axon Artificial neuron model is similar Data inputs (xi) are collected from upstream neurons input to combination function (sigma)

5 Neural Networks (cont’d)
Activation function reads combined input and produces non-linear response (y) Response channeled downstream to other neurons What problems applicable to Neural Networks? Quite robust with respect to noisy data Can learn and work around erroneous data Results opaque to human interpretation Often require long training times

6 Input and Output Encoding
Neural Networks require attribute values encoded to [0, 1] Numeric Apply Min-max Normalization to continuous variables Works well when Min and Max known Also assumes new data values occur within Min-Max range Values outside range may be rejected or mapped to Min or Max

7 Input and Output Encoding (cont’d)
Neural Networks always return continuous values [0, 1] Many classification problems have two outcomes Solution uses threshold established a priori in single output node to separate classes For example, target variable is “leave” or “stay” Threshold value is “leave if output >= 0.67” Single output node value = 0.72 classifies record as “leave”

8 Simple Example of a Neural Network
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node B Node A Node Z W1A W1B W2A W2B WAZ W3A W3B W0A WBZ W0Z W0B Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer Neural Network consists of layered, feedforward, completely connected network of nodes Feedforward restricts network flow to single direction Flow does not loop or cycle Network composed of two or more layers

9 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont’d)
Most networks have Input, Hidden, Output layers Network may contain more than one hidden layer Network is completely connected Each node in given layer, connected to every node in next layer Every connection has weight (Wij) associated with it Weight values randomly assigned 0 to 1 by algorithm Number of input nodes dependent on number of predictors Number of hidden and output nodes configurable

10 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont)
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node B Node A Node Z W1A W1B W2A W2B WAZ W3A W3B W0A WBZ W0Z W0B Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer Combination function produces linear combination of node inputs and connection weights to single scalar value For node j, xij is ith input Wij is weight associated with ith input node I+ 1 inputs to node j x1, x2, ..., xI are inputs from upstream nodes x0 is constant input value = 1.0 Each input node has extra input W0jx0j = W0j

11 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont’d)
W0A = 0.5 W0B = 0.7 W0Z = 0.5 x1 = 0.4 W1A = 0.6 W1B = 0.9 WAZ = 0.9 x2 = 0.2 W2A = 0.8 W2B = 0.8 WBZ = 0.9 x3 = 0.7 W3A = 0.6 W3B = 0.4 The scalar value computed for hidden layer Node A equals For Node A, netA = 1.32 is input to activation function Neurons “fire” in biological organisms Signals sent between neurons when combination of inputs cross threshold

12 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont’d)
Firing response not necessarily linearly related to increase in input stimulation Neural Networks model behavior using non-linear activation function Sigmoid function most commonly used In Node A, sigmoid function takes netA = 1.32 as input and produces output

13 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont’d)
Node A outputs along connection to Node Z, and becomes component of netZ Before netZ is computed, contribution from Node B required Node Z combines outputs from Node A and Node B, through netZ

14 Simple Example of a Neural Network (cont’d)
Inputs to Node Z not data attribute values Rather, outputs are from sigmoid function in upstream nodes Value output from Neural Network on first pass Represents predicted value for target variable, given first observation

15 Sigmoid Activation Function
Sigmoid function combines nearly linear, curvilinear, and nearly constant behavior depending on input value Function nearly linear for domain values -1 < x < 1 Becomes curvilinear as values move away from center At extreme values, f(x) is nearly constant Moderate increments in x produce variable increase in f(x), depending on location of x Sometimes called “Squashing Function” Takes real-valued input and returns values [0, 1]

16 Back-Propagation Neural Networks are supervised learning method
Require target variable Each observation passed through network results in output value Output value compared to actual value of target variable (Actual – Output) = Error Prediction error analogous to residuals in regression models Most networks use Sum of Squares (SSE) to measure how well predictions fit target values

17 Back-Propagation (cont’d)
Squared prediction errors summed over all output nodes, and all records in data set Model weights constructed that minimize SSE Actual values that minimize SSE are unknown Weights estimated, given the data set

18 Neural Network for IR: From the work by Wilkinson & Hingston, SIGIR’91
Document Terms Query Terms Documents ka kb kc k1 kt d1 dj dj+1 dN

19 Neural Network for IR Three layers network
Signals propagate across the network First level of propagation: Query terms issue the first signals These signals propagate accross the network to reach the document nodes Second level of propagation: Document nodes might themselves generate new signals which affect the document term nodes Document term nodes might respond with new signals of their own

20 Quantifying Signal Propagation
Normalize signal strength (MAX = 1) Query terms emit initial signal equal to 1 Weight associated with an edge from a query term node ki to a document term node ki: Wiq = wiq sqrt ( i wiq ) Weight associated with an edge from a document term node ki to a document node dj: Wij = wij sqrt ( i wij ) 2 2

21 Quantifying Signal Propagation
After the first level of signal propagation, the activation level of a document node dj is given by: i Wiq Wij = i wiq wij sqrt ( i wiq ) * sqrt ( i wij ) which is exactly the ranking of the Vector model New signals might be exchanged among document term nodes and document nodes in a process analogous to a feedback cycle A minimum threshold should be enforced to avoid spurious signal generation 2 2 2

22 Conclusions Model provides an interesting formulation of the IR problem Model has not been tested extensively It is not clear the improvements that the model might provide

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