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Safety OS652 HRM Fisher November 11, 2004.

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1 Safety OS652 HRM Fisher November 11, 2004

2 Agenda Presentation Discuss safety issues
Establish criteria for next week’s poster presentations

3 Workplace Safety Another important area of federal oversight
In which industries do workers have the greatest exposure to unsafe conditions? Which jobs are the least safe? What causes accidents on the job?

4 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (DOL)
Goal is to ensure safe and healthful workplaces Prevention through training, inspections Penalties for violations Employers have significant record keeping responsibilities

5 Ergonomics Human-machine fit
Minimizing injuries from stressful or repetitive motions Physical layout Tools Job rotation Assessment and treatment

6 Stress Reaction to environmental stimuli
Positive/negative reactions can vary from person to person Stressors can be different for various types of jobs (knowledge work vs. production work vs. graduate school, for example) Symptoms of stress – how can organizations help employees cope?

7 From a systematic perspective…
What are the challenges involved in creating a safe workplace? What initiatives or management tools appear to be most effective in creating a safe workplace? 10 ideas used by Georgia Pacific Other things that can be done?

8 Poster presentations Visual presentation of key points in your paper
15 minutes to browse posters, discuss topics with authors Each author will then present key points (4-5 minutes each) Will conclude with a group discussion session

9 Criteria for poster presentations
Worth five points What would you like to see in the presentations? What will help make it a useful learning experience for you? Do you want handouts?

10 For next week Poster sessions both days No readings
Be prepared to interact, ask questions about the papers Will hand out final exam questions on 11/23

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