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Keeping Employees Safe in the Workplace

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Employees Safe in the Workplace"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Employees Safe in the Workplace
BLR Training Presentations Background for the Trainer: This presentation on keeping employees safe in the workplace is designed for extensive participant involvement, because employees learn better and retain more information when they are involved in training sessions. You may customize the session for more or less involvement to suit your group. We have included a customizable Quiz file with an Answer Sheet as well as a printable Certificate of Completion file on the CD to give you all the tools you need for a complete training session. Speaker’s Notes: In this training session, we will learn how to keep employees safe in the workplace. The session is designed as an interactive discussion, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to ask specific questions or make comments. We’ll start with a pre-quiz on workplace safety. We’ll spend the rest of the session going over detailed answers that cover how safety issues affect the workplace, who’s responsible for safety, and what safety concerns involve all employees, as well as giving several specific safety instructions for various situations. Keeping Employees Safe in the Workplace Making your job easier! # /0412 ©Business & Legal Reports, Inc.

2 What Do You Know About Safety?
True or False: A safe workplace is required by law. Safety is management’s responsibility only. Neatness is not related to safety. You don’t have to worry about safety when you work in an office. Musculoskeletal disorders can be prevented with the proper use of ergonomics. Background for Trainer: Interactive Discussion: What About Safety? Begin by asking participants to respond with True or False to these safety statements. The answers will get participants thinking about safety issues and their part in keeping safe on the job. Display the questions one at a time to generate reactions on each point. The answers are T, F, F, F, and T, but this slide is intended as a discussion starter so don’t take a simple true or false as an answer; ask why they answered true or false. All these statements will be addressed throughout the presentation. Speaker’s Notes: Let’s start by discussing whether these statements about safety are true or false. We will cover all these topics throughout the presentation so let’s start thinking about them now. It is true that a safe workplace is required by law. This is a trick question. Safety is management’s responsibility, true, but it is also every employee’s responsibility. It is false that neatness is not related to safety. Good housekeeping is very important for preventing slips, trips, and falls, for example. It’s a false assumption to think you don’t have to worry about safety in an office. It’s true that you can prevent musculoskeletal disorders with effective ergonomics.

3 What Do You Know About Safety?(cont.)
True or False: You need at least two evacuation routes from your building. You can’t catch an infectious disease by giving first aid. Following security procedures can help prevent workplace violence. Terrorism rarely affects the workplace. You have a right to know about the hazards in your workplace. Background for Trainer: Interactive Discussion: What About Safety? Begin by asking participants to respond with True or False to these safety statements. The answers will get participants thinking about safety issues and their part in keeping safe on the job. Display the questions one at a time to generate reactions on each point. The answers are T, F, T, F, and T, but this slide is intended as a discussion starter so don’t take a simple true or false as an answer; ask why they answered true or false. All these statements will be addressed throughout the presentation. Speaker’s Notes: It’s true that employees need to have at least two evacuation routes from the building. It’s false that you can’t catch an infectious disease while giving first aid. Take all precautions, such as wearing gloves and using universal precautions, when assisting injured or ill co-workers. It’s true that following security procedures can help prevent workplace violence. That’s why our company created these procedures! It’s false security to think that terrorism rarely affects the workplace. It frequently affects our jobs, directly or indirectly. It’s true that all employees have the right to know about the hazards they may face in their workplaces.

4 Safety in the Workplace
Sustains productivity Promotes morale Is required by law Requires everyone’s participation Background for Trainer: Interactive Discussion: Benefits of Safety Before revealing the slide contents, ask participants what benefits they think safety brings to the workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Keeping employees safe in the workplace keeps employees on the job and working at full capacity, which sustains productivity. Conversely, injured workers on leave or on limited duty hamper production. A safe workplace is a productive workplace. Employees who are confident in the safety of their workplace will be motivated and energetic to work without fear of injury or exposure to harm. Conversely, worrying about getting injured or witnessing a co-worker getting injured can lower morale throughout the workplace. Employers are required by law to maintain a safe workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) monitors safety in the workplace. OSHA uses as its guideline the Occupational Safety and Health Act’s (OSH Act’s) General Duty Clause Section 5(a)(1): “Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” Safe workplaces require everyone’s participation: Management makes safety policies, supervisors implement them, and employees follow them.

5 Safety Attitude Think safety Look for hazards Fix or report hazards
Background for Trainer: Interactive Discussion: Employees’ Role Ask participants to list the ways that supervisors and employees contribute to maintaining a safe workplace. Customize the discussion with your company’s hazard reporting policies and names and contact information of qualified personnel that employees can report safety hazards to. Speaker’s Notes: In order to maintain a safe workplace, everyone from managers to contractors needs to be thinking about safety as they work. Everyone needs to be safety conscious, aware, and alert at all times. Encourage co-workers to be thinking about safety, too. Always look for hazards, such as objects left in aisles or on stairwells, wet spots on floors, open file cabinet drawers, leaking containers, frayed cords, hot equipment next to flammable materials, etc. Keep your eyes and ears open for potential problem so you can prevent accidents. Fix the hazards you can fix, such as wiping up spills or closing drawers. Report hazards that you are not qualified to handle and do so right away before other employees could get hurt.

6 Good Housekeeping Keep items in their proper place
Clean or report spills Clear clutter Keep items off stairways and aisles Report safety issues Use common sense Background for Trainer: Use anecdotes from your workplace or experience of accidents or injuries caused by good housekeeping issues. Speaker’s Notes: Safety is directly related to neatness. Items that are out of place and not where employees expect them to be can cause accidents and injuries. So employees need to keep their areas neat and organized. Always return tools and supplies to their proper places for the next person. Wipe up water or coffee spills as long as you’re sure the liquid is harmless. Make sure employees report any spills of substances that they can’t identify. Keep work areas free of clutter and unnecessary objects that can interfere with the work process or cause accidents. Make sure aisles, walkways, and stairwells are always free and clear of objects. Report safety issues, such as loose flooring or ceiling tiles, frayed or curled carpeting, etc. Use common sense, such as never taking shortcuts, staying away from the edges of loading docks, not using broken or unstable ladders, etc.

7 Office Safety Keep drawers closed Sit upright in chairs
Don’t horse around with furniture or supplies Keep flammables away from hot office equipment Background for Trainer: Give examples of accidents or near-misses that have occurred in your company’s office areas. Speaker’s Notes: Offices can be dangerous places to work. Employees who work there need to maintain a safety attitude. Make a habit of closing desk and file cabinet drawers immediately after you’ve retrieved or put back what you need. Don’t leave them open even for a few minutes because that’s all it takes for someone to trip over them, fall backwards over them, or scrape themselves on them. Don’t lean back so far in office chairs that they might tip over. Don’t horse around with office furniture or equipment, such as racing chairs on wheels down the hallway or playing catch with staplers. Be careful when handling paper to avoid paper cuts. Don’t stack paper or other flammables next to hot copy machines or printers. Don’t store paper towels or other flammables right next to hot coffeemakers.

8 Electrical Safety Use extension cords properly Don’t overload outlets
Don’t run them across stairs or aisles Don’t fasten them with nails or staples Don’t overload outlets Don’t use plugs with bent or missing prongs Obey locks, tags, barricades, and signs that warn of electrical hazards Background for Trainer: Talk about the electrical equipment you have in your company. Customize the talk around the electrical safety training that is required in your company and the employees who have been authorized to perform electrical safety repairs. Speaker’s Notes: Electricity is so commonplace, its dangers can sometimes be taken for granted. Safety-conscious employees will always take precautions when using electricity. Use extension cords properly and safely by: – Not running them across stairs or aisles and creating a tripping hazard – Not fastening them to walls or floors with nails or staples and risking damage to the cords’ insulation Don’t overload outlets and create a fire or burn hazard. Don’t use broken plugs with bent or missing prongs. Obey electrical safety warnings, whether they’re signs, barricades, locks, or tags.

9 Back Safety Reach properly Lift properly
Object from floor Object from overhead Oversized or heavy object Long or awkward objects Use material handling equipment Do stretching exercises Background for Trainer: Customize this discussion to your workplace by talking about the types of lifting that occur and by indicating what material handling equipment is available. Speaker’s Notes: Our backs are at work 24 hours a day. Keep your back in action by following commonsense safety precautions on and off the job. Minimize reaching by keeping frequently used items within arm’s reach, moving your whole body as close as possible to the object, and standing up when retrieving objects on wall shelves. When you must reach, don’t twist your body and don’t overextend your reach. Get a stepstool or ask a taller person to reach items that cause you to strain to reach. Lift items properly, including never bending at the waist or neck and never twisting your body. For items on the floor, stand close to the object with a wide stance, bend at the knees keeping your back straight, wrap your arms around the object, and hold it close to your body as you stand up straight. For items above your head, use a stepstool or ladder, slide the load down close to your body, and let your arms and legs carry the weight. For oversized or heavy objects, team lift by designating a team leader, timing the lift together, keeping the load level, and lowering the load smoothly. For long or awkward objects, carry them over your shoulder. For items too heavy to lift, use material handling items, such as dollies, carts, and handtrucks. Keep your back in shape with regular stretching exercises.

10 Ergonomics Arrange your workstation Sit properly
Avoid repetitive motions Take breaks Keep wrists straight Use proper equipment and PPE Carry objects palm down Background for Trainer: Talk about the ergonomics training, equipment, or tools that are available for your employees. Speaker’s Notes: Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to workers. This precaution protects employees from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that can cause serious and sometimes permanent injuries. Arrange your workstation so that you can work comfortably and safely. Sit with both feet flat on the ground and your back fully supported. Avoid repetitive motions, when possible, by arranging your tasks in a way that allows a variety of motions. When you must perform repetitive tasks, take your scheduled breaks to give your muscles and tendons a rest. When typing or doing other repetitive tasks with your hands and fingers, keep your wrists straight. Don’t bend them up or down or rest them against anything; doing any of these motions increases pressure and wear and tear on the carpal tunnel in your wrist and arm. Use proper equipment to protect yourself from MSDs, such as cushioned mats to prevent strain from standing for long periods, gloves to prevent injury from vibrating tools, and tools with textured grips. Carry objects with your palm facing down.

11 Ergonomics (cont.) Know symptoms of MSDs
Pain Tingling Stiffness Weakness Numbness Swelling Get medical attention for MSD symptoms Background for Trainer: Go over your company’s policy on ergonomics and reporting MSD symptoms. Let participants know who to report symptoms to. Bring any medical forms your company has for reporting. Speaker’s Notes: Employees need to know the symptoms of MSDs. Symptoms include: – Pain, including a burning sensation or aching – Tingling – Stiffness – Weakness – Numbness – Swelling Report MSD symptoms right away and seek medical attention for them. It’s important to treat them quickly since they are cumulative injuries and the longer they go untreated, the worse the damage can get. The damage might even become permanent.

12 Emergency Situations Know location of fire alarms and extinguishers
Know what alarms sound like Know how to use extinguishers Know at least two evacuation routes Know meeting place outside building Background for Trainer: Interactive Discussion: Location Quiz Ask participants to identify the closest extinguisher to their workstation. Ask them for the locations of alarms throughout their work area. Bring your company’s Emergency Action Plan and customize the discussion around it. For example, tell participants where the designated assembly area is in case of emergency. Bring maps to show the locations of alarms and extinguishers throughout your building. Demonstrate how to use the extinguishers your company provides. Speaker’s Notes: It’s important for employees to be prepared for emergencies so that injuries and damage can be avoided as much as possible in emergency situations. Employees need to know the locations of fire alarms and fire extinguishers as well as how to set off the alarm in an emergency. Employees need to recognize the alarms when they sound so they can respond immediately. Employees need to know when and how to use the fire extinguishers that your company provides. All employees, including those with disabilities, need to have two evacuation routes in case of emergency because one of their exits may be blocked by fire, smoke, or other obstacles. Employees need to know where to assemble once they are outside the building.

13 First Aid Call for professional medical help Bring help to victim
Check victim’s ABCs Check victim’s vitals Interview victim Use appropriate first-aid measures Background for Trainer: Customize the discussion to your company’s policies, including the location of first-aid kits and the names of any employees trained in CPR or other medical practices. Speaker’s Notes: In emergency medical situations, employees need to call for professional medical help right away before attempting to help. It’s also important to bring help to the victim and not to move the victim to get help. Employees trying to help could cause further injuries by moving a victim. After calling 9-1-1, conduct a primary survey for life-threatening injuries by checking: A – the victim’s airway by tipping the head back to open the airway B – the patient’s breathing C – the patient’s circulation by checking for a pulse Also look for profuse bleeding or shock. Next, conduct a secondary survey for other medical problems by: 1 – Checking vital signs 2 – Doing a head to toe exam If the victim is conscious, interview the victim about the accident, what hurts or what is the matter, and about other medical problems that might be contributing to the situation or that need to be considered when receiving medical help. While waiting for professional help to arrive, use appropriate first-aid measures, such as applying pressure to stop bleeding.

14 Infectious Diseases and Bloodborne Pathogens
Wash hands often Use precautions when giving first aid Treat all blood as contaminated Use PPE Clean up thoroughly Get medical attention if you’re exposed Background for Trainer: Customize this discussion around your company’s procedures for dealing with infectious diseases and bloodborne pathogens. Tell participants what personal protective equipment (PPE) your company provides. If your company has a bloodborne pathogens clean-up kit, tell participants where it’s located. Identify employees who may have medical training for dealing with these health threats. Speaker’s Notes: Airborne infectious diseases, such as the flu, tuberculosis, and SARS, and diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens, such as HIV and hepatitis, are health problems that employees can encounter at work. Here’s how to avoid these serious conditions. Wash hands frequently throughout the day, including before and after eating and drinking, after sneezing or blowing nose, and when handling cash. Use precautions when giving first aid to protect yourself. This can include using a mask to avoid airborne infections and gloves to avoid bloodborne pathogens. Treat all blood as if it is contaminated with a pathogen, such as those that cause HIV or hepatitis, and protect yourself from exposure. Use PPE, such as disposable masks labeled HEPA or N-95 when exposed to sick co-workers and protective gloves when helping sick people or when cleaning contaminated objects or surfaces. Clean contaminated items thoroughly. Use supplies appropriate to the situation, including PPE, disinfectant solution, liquid absorbent powder, and disposal bags. Get medical attention immediately if you’re exposed.

15 Security Follow company procedures Keep doors locked
Don’t loan keys or access cards Report unknown people Report security gaps Background for Trainer: Bring your company’s security policy and customize this discussion around it. Give contact information for your company’s security officer or whoever serves that function in your facility. Speaker’s Notes: Our company has several security procedures in place. In order for them to work, we need all employees to follow these procedures all the time with no exceptions. Keep all doors locked. Never prop them open – even for “just a minute.” Don’t loan out your company keys or access cards. Accompany familiar co-workers where they need to go if they’ve forgotten their keys. Report unknown or unfamiliar people to the proper authority in your company. Report security gaps, such as burned out lights, missing signs, and damaged security cameras or fencing.

16 Workplace Violence Take threats seriously
Recognize signs of potential violence in co-workers Report signs Arrange a danger signal with co-workers Remain calm with emotional people Alert proper authorities Background for Trainer: Customize this discussion around your company’s policies for dealing with violence or potential violence in your workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Employees should always take threats seriously. Whether a co-worker, customer, or contractor makes a threatening remark or joke, take it seriously and deal with it appropriately. Employees need to recognize the signs of potential violence. These include: – Verbal threats – Comments that people are out to get him or her – Excessive or sudden interest in weapons – Excessive or sudden interest in violence in the news – Blaming others for problems Report any signs you observe to the proper company personnel. Employees should arrange a danger signal they can give to co-workers to indicate that a customer or co-worker is exhibiting threatening behavior and may act out in the next few minutes. Remain calm when people get emotional, angry, or upset. Don’t mimic their behavior by arguing back or raising your voice. Alert proper authorities when violence occurs in the workplace.

17 Terrorism Protect your computer Handle mail with caution
Follow company precautions Follow procedures during an incident Shelter in place Background for Trainer: Go over your company’s terrorist incident procedures, including your computer policies, evacuation procedures, shelter in place instructions, etc. Speaker’s Notes: Terrorism is a major concern for workplaces since they are often a target. Employees need to know how to prevent terrorist acts as well as how to respond if one occurs. Computer networks are vulnerable to infiltration, so employees need to protect their computers by following company policies that include: Never installing unlicensed or pirated software Never visiting improper websites or downloading questionable files Never giving out passwords and changing passwords frequently Deleting suspicious s We need to handle business mail and packages with caution. Report unattended packages to your supervisor. When receiving mail, look for: Misspelled common words on the label No return address or a postmark that does not match return address Oily stains, discolorations, or odor Lopsided or uneven envelopes Protruding wires or aluminum foil, or a ticking sound Follow company precautions, such as evacuation drills, regarding terrorist threats. Follow procedures during an incident or threat of an incident, including securing the facility and protecting yourself and co-workers. Shelter in place if advised to do so by the authorities. This involves going to the designated shelter room, shutting and sealing windows and doors with duct tape, and listening to a radio for further instructions.

18 Personal Protective Equipment
Use the right equipment for the job Inspect it before every use Make sure it fits Follow manufacturer’s instructions Clean and store properly Background for Trainer: Customize the discussion around the PPE that is used in your company, including your training, inspecting, storing, and cleaning policies. Speaker’s Notes: Use the right PPE for the job. Whether it’s gloves, shoes, glasses, or hard hats, make sure you use PPE made of the right materials and with the right safety ratings for the job you need to do. Always inspect PPE before every use. Look for holes, tears, wear, cracks, etc. If you find anything wrong, don’t use it. Report the problem and get PPE that’s in good shape. Make sure your PPE fits you properly. Perform whatever fit tests particular PPE require and make adjustments until the PPE fits. Follow the PPE manufacturer’s instructions regarding inspecting, fitting, using, cleaning, and storing the equipment. Clean and maintain PPE properly and regularly. Store it so that it will not be damaged and so that it can be found by the next person who will use it.

19 Machine Safety Obey tags Make sure guards are in place Report problems
Wear correct PPE Focus on work Background for Trainer: Customize the discussion around the machines and machine policies in your workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Machines are a part of every worksite, including offices, warehouses, factories, and plants. Make sure you know how to work safely with and around the machines in our workplace. Obey tags and signs on machines that say they are locked out, receiving service, being maintained, etc. Never try to operate a machine against posted warnings and instructions. Before using any machine, make sure the appropriate guards are in place. Also make sure the guards are undamaged and working properly. Report any problems that you discover with machines. Don’t try to fix it if you’re unqualified. Don’t try to compensate for or work around the problem. Wear the correct PPE for the machine you are using. This includes face shields or goggles for machines that cause flying debris or ergonomic gloves for vibrating machines. Always focus on your work when using a machine. Keep your eyes centered on the point of operation where the work of the machine is happening. Also use your peripheral vision to make sure no part of the machine is malfunctioning or that co-workers are not getting too close to impede the work or endanger themselves or you.

20 Hazard Communication Read chemical labels Read MSDSs Use proper PPE
Follow procedures Seek medical attention if exposed Background for Trainer: Customize the discussion around hazard communication in your workplace. Speaker’s Notes: Hazard communication isn’t only for chemical processing plants. Every workplace has toxic substances from cleaning fluids to copier toner. Read chemical labels for every substance you use. Check: The chemical’s identity The name and contact information of the manufacturer The substance’s physical and health hazards Precautionary measures First-aid instructions Safe handling and storage instructions Read material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for more detailed information including: Hazardous ingredients Physical/chemical characteristics Fire and explosion hazard data Reactivity data Health hazard data Control measures Use proper PPE when handling hazardous substances, including gloves, shoes, respirators, etc. Follow the procedures listed on the substance label, the MSDS, and your company’s policy. Seek medical attention if you are exposed to a hazardous substance. Do so immediately.

21 Test What You Know 1. List three reasons for maintaining a safe workplace. 2. What government agency monitors safety in the workplace? 3. What hazards are present in offices? 4. What two things should you never do with extension cords? 5. What is the proper way to reach? Background for Trainer: We have provided this review as a Word file on the CD. You can go over the quiz on the slide only or print out copies and have participants take the review first before discussing the answers. Customize the speaker’s notes based on the method you choose. The review questions are designed to reemphasize the main points about safety in the workplace. We’ve also included a Certificate of Completion file on the CD, which you can print and hand out to participants who complete the session. Make sure to sign and date it. Speaker’s Notes: Let’s review what we’ve learned today about keeping employees safe in the workplace.

22 Test What You Know (cont.)
6. List four things you can do to practice good ergonomics. 7. What five things do you need to know to be safe during emergency situations? 8. When is it OK to loan your access card or to leave an outside door open? 9. How often should you inspect your PPE? 10. Where can you find the most complete safety and health precautions for hazardous substances?

23 Test What You Know Answers
1. List three reasons for maintaining a safe workplace. Safety sustains productivity, promotes morale, is required by law, and requires everyone’s participation. 2. What government agency monitors safety in the workplace? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 3. What hazards are present in offices? Open drawers, unstable furniture, and hot equipment.

24 Test What You Know Answers (cont.)
4. What two things should you never do with extension cords? Don’t run them across stairs or aisles and don’t fasten them with nails or staples. 5. What is the proper way to reach? Move your body close to the object; don’t twist. Stand for objects on high shelves (get a stepstool, if necessary), and don’t overextend.

25 Test What You Know Answers (cont.)
6. List four things you can do to practice good ergonomics. Arrange your workstation, sit properly, avoid repetitive motions, take breaks, keep wrists straight, use proper tools and PPE, and carry objects palm down. 7. What five things do you need to know to be safe during emergency situations? The location of fire alarms and extinguishers, what alarms sound like, how to use extinguishers, two evacuation routes, and where to meet outside the building.

26 Test What You Know Answers (cont.)
8. When is it OK to loan your access card or to leave an outside door open? Never. 9. How often should you inspect your PPE? Before every use. 10. Where can you find the most complete safety and health precautions for hazardous substances? Material safety data sheets.

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