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An introduction to Innovation and STEM Education.

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1 An introduction to Innovation and STEM Education.

2 60 Seconds – Let’s Think It is estimated that 259 million tires are discarded annually (data is for the 1980's and 1990's), They are made to be highly durable and weatherproof, which causes mass landfill space to be used up, as tires are non-biodegradable.

3 Idea’s

4 What is Innovation? What is Innovation?
‘the generation of new and creative ideas and the use of new or improved approaches (NIF ).” The Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) has launched the 2nd edition of the Journey of Discovery (JoD) campaign with a focus on innovation for schools and universities across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.  Students will attain hands-on experience in various fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) including robotics, transportation technology, renewable energy, water technology and computer coding.  

5 Where do innovative ideas come from?
1: Innovative inventions are often based on known product. QUESTION: What Innovative ideas can you think off? Which known product led towards the invention of aero plane?

6 Sewage water treatment by biological sources Done by Rana Zeeshan Habib

7 How simple ideas lead toward scientific discoveries.
Adam Savage

8 Issues in the UAE? Air: WHO air quality report Water Desalination Land
2030 zero waste land vision Energy Highest per capita carbon emission

9 Major Innovative competitions in U.A.E?
1: Think Science Competition 2: Young ADIPEC Competition 3: ADEC Young Scientist Competition 4: EEG recycling, speaking and drawing competition.

10 Nasser Al Sheraifi’s Innovation Award 2016,
Categories: Energy Environment Sciences Information and communication Physics and chemistry Transportation

11 What is STEM? STEM should involve both problem based and performance based activities. STEM encourage students not only  to  explore and create , but also encourages youth to experiment, innovate, ask questions and explore the world around them. STEM stands for S: Science T: Technology E: Engineering M: Math

12 Project based Learning:
STEM is an activity based or project based learning. The projects may be Indoor or class projects External Projects Dimensions of STEM Activity Research Design Build Test Improve

13 Creating a STEM/Innovation activity:
1: ADEC (JOD) have created a range of STEM activities for each age school students: Kindergarten Elementary Middle School High School 2: The innovation Centre will support the staff with subject relevant STEM activities.

14 Teacher task Now that you have been given an overview of STEM and Innovation. In your departments discuss how you can develop your own subject specific STEM activities? For example: ICT – Robotics Science – Bridges when teaching forces Maths – Costs of a project

15 Activity: You are required to work together as a team to create the tallest, most stable tower using: Resources: ■ 50 straws per team ■ 1 meter of tape ■ 1 pair of scissors (Use Burj Khalifa as your inspiration) Objectives of the Activity: To identify the elements of STEM in the planned activity.

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