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Be a Part of Scouting’s Oldest New Adventure: STEM

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1 Be a Part of Scouting’s Oldest New Adventure: STEM
Who Says Engineering Can’t Be Fun? June 26-July 2, 2016 (youth program) July 17-23, 2016 #Awesome!-STEM Explorations (14-20 age youth) 2016 Courses and Adventures offered STEM is #Awesome! It’s Fun! Explore new Adventures within Scouting Experience STEM activities, find a new hobby or career Why STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) ? Earn a special Nova Award available Philmont Discover how to find the STEM inside your Scouting Adventures Discover the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics inside your high adventure activities Hike, climb, rappel – explore terrain and wildlife, natural and human history in the New Mexico high country #Awesome!-STEM Explorations (for year old Scouts) Earn a special Nova Award available Summit Explore the science, technology, engineering and mathematics inside those activities Rock climb, zip line, mountain bike, whitewater raft, star gaze, and more the Summit (youth program) Be a Part of Scouting’s Oldest New Adventure: STEM 2016 Courses and Adventures offered STEM-Tastic Scouting- Inspiration, Imagination, and Innovation #Awesome!-STEM Explorations (14-20 age youth) July 17-23, 2016 (Youth and Adult) June 26-July 2, 2016 Each course for adults offers The latest BSA material from the experts who wrote it and do it STEM Topics tailored to your interests Fun and instructive hands-on STEM activities Learn how to plan a quality program in your council or unit You Will Discover how to successfully deliver this exciting program Learn from national experts and your fellow Scouters Share your ideas and successes with your peers Spend quality time with your family at Philmont or the Summit Have an inspiring capstone Scouting experience Recharge and have fun Discover a new Scouting challenge Help BSA improve the Future for our youth Science – What A Blast ! Why STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) ? Scouts experience STEM activities, gain confidence, find a new hobby or career Strengthen the futures of youth in a competitive world Reach new youth with Scouting Program and Ideals It’s Fun!

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