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IGARSS’08 Outreach Activities

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2 IGARSS’08 Outreach Activities
IGARSS’08 (International Geosciences And Remote Sensing Symposium) meeting will be held in Boston, MA July 6-11, 2008; A focus of this year’s meeting will be on “The Next Generation;” K-12 Teachers and their students are invited to participate in these international meetings; Plan to bring your students to the meetings to describe your Forest Watch findings; Learn about interactive Web-based materials and other outreach programs from around the world. The Next Generation

3 IGARSS’08 Outreach Activities
Tutorials (July 6th) on: 1.) How To develop appropriate research-based K-16 outreach programs, and 2.) Mentoring skills for working with K-16 students; An Invited Session on soliciting funding for GRSS researchers and faculty to create outreach programs, presented by Federal Agency representatives (NASA, NSF, USGS, NOAA, etc.); Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions focused on both the outreach and technical aspects of successful K-16 programs, in terms of educational benefits and access to useful student data; Interactive Exhibits focused on K-grey (K-16 and adult learners) in the hallways outside of IGARSS’08 Sessions and in the Exhibit Hall (Doing science with digital cameras; quantifying surface reflectance properties with filters, accessing satellite data and free-ware image processing software, etc.); Media Day Likely Wednesday, July 9th, when various Media Outlets will be available to interview students, develop press releases on student projects. The Next Generation

4 Forest Watch Tutorial Students & Scientists Working Together
Determining the Health of New England Forests Combining Remote Sensing, Field and Laboratory Work, as Outreach Tools to Introduce and Engage Pre-College Students in the Study of Air-Quality Impacts on the Forests of New England

5 Watershed Watch Tutorial
Combining Remote Sensing, Field Work, and GIS as Outreach Tools to Introduce and Engage Entry-level Undergraduate Students in the Study of Watersheds (NSF Grant DUE )

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