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Dealing With Escalating Behavior in the School Setting School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports Training Northwest AEA March 7, 2013 Jerome Schaefer

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing With Escalating Behavior in the School Setting School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports Training Northwest AEA March 7, 2013 Jerome Schaefer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing With Escalating Behavior in the School Setting School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports Training Northwest AEA March 7, 2013 Jerome Schaefer

2 Remember This Guy?

3 What can you take back to your staff?
PURPOSE Enhance our understanding of and ways of responding to escalating behavior. What can you take back to your staff?

4 ASSUMPTIONS Behavior is learned (function).
Behavior is escalated through successive interactions. Escalating behavior can be prevented. Behavior can be changed through an instructional approach – when done proactively.

5 Functions Pos Reinf Neg Reinf

6 OUTCOMES Identification of the stages of escalation.
Identification of intervention strategies and adult behaviors to be used at the various stages of escalation. Identification of the key strategies to be used when confronting escalating behaviors.

7 Teacher Jason What assignment? Jason, please turn in your assignment.
The assignment you didn’t finish during class. I finished it. Great, please turn it in now. I don’t have it with me now. You have a choice…..turn it in or do it again. You never believe me. I guess you’ve made the choice to do it again. Make me. Prior to this slide have them for 3 minutes share with those nearby about an escalating incident that they have been involved with. That’s disrespect…go to the office. F_____ you! Moves closer…& puts hand on J. shoulder. Pulls away, glares, & raises fist as if to strike.

8 Share your experiences

9 The MODEL High Peak Acceleration De-escalation Agitation Trigger Calm
Recovery Low

10 The MODEL High Low CALM 

11 1. Calm Student is cooperative. Accepts corrective feedback.
Follows directives. Sets personal goals. Ignores distractions. Accepts praise. Reasoning and compromising skills are at their highest

12 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

13 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Focus on teaching and prevention Assessing probable triggers and thinking about function Facilitating successful academic and social experiences High rates of positive feedback Teach social/behavioral skills Communicate Expectations Consider your own emotional and physiological state Know your relationship with the individual Be aware of the student’s emotional state

14 The MODEL High TRIGGER  Low

15 2. Trigger Student experiences a series of unresolved conflicts.
Repeated failures Frequent corrections from adults and/or peers Interpersonal conflicts with adults and/or peers Low rates of positive reinforcement Student showing signs of frustration or distress Triggers are most often environmental (can be internal) Reasoning and compromising skills still in tact

16 Trigger Insert Video clip here

17 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

18 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Focused on prevention and redirection Consider function of problem behavior when responding Remove or modify problem events (eliminating triggers) Reinforce what you have taught (pre-correct) Stay calm with your words and your body Soft tone of voice Using the student’s name Actively listen Determine whether ignoring is appropriate


20 3. Agitation Student exhibits increase in unfocused behavior. Off-task
Very brief periods of focused working Signs of frustration and distress or clearly evident Out of seat Talking with others Social withdrawal/isolation Reasoning and compromising skills under attack

21 Agitation Insert Video Clip Here

22 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

23 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Intervention is focused on being proactive Consider function of problem behaviors when responding Redirect to less agitating activities (environmental modifications) Provide reasonable options and choices Remind about options through limited problem solving Don’t ignore it Don’t try to attempt teaching of new skills, rather reinforce skills they use and remind of the skills they have Stay calm


25 4. Acceleration Student displays focused behavior. Provocative
High intensity Threatening Personal Significant decrease in reasoning and compromising skills Use of the language of fear (obscenities) Talking louder and faster Quick movements Less self-control

26 Acceleration

27 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

28 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Intervention is focused on safety Remove all triggers Disengage from the student (especially if you are a part of the escalation) Prevent power struggles and arguments Choose your physical placement carefully Stay calm Remind of options but not as “either/or” Prepare for being personally attacked Bring in another adult to assist Don’t rush the child to return to the calm phase

29 The MODEL High PEAK Low

30 5. Peak Student is out of control & displays most severe problem behavior. Verbal aggression Physical aggression Property destruction Self-injury Escape/social withdrawal Hyperventilation No reasoning or compromising skills

31 Peak

32 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

33 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Interventions are focused on safety of the student, other students, and adults Remain calm Careful body positioning (stay out of reach) Carefully choose words Communicate understanding (empathy) Remove other students Use diversions and distractions Follow the crisis intervention plan Involve other staff members Use of physical interventions as necessary (Mandt training or similar training may be necessary)

34 The MODEL High De-escalation Low

35 6. De-escalation Student displays confusion but with decreases in severe behavior. Social withdrawal Denial Blaming others Minimization of problem Still not using good reasoning or compromising skills Could quickly return to peak

36 Deescalation

37 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

38 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Focus is on removing access attention Don’t nag Don’t blame Don’t force or even assume the student will apologize Provide structure (structured cooling off) Take your time – don’t rush it Be careful not to re-escalate by focusing on consequences at this time Don’t try to teach Provide choices and/or reminders of choices Allow the student to direct their progress



41 7. Recovery Student displays eagerness to engage in activities.
Attempts to correct problem. Unwillingness to participate in group activities. Social withdrawal Emotional and physically drained (sleep) Reasoning and compromising skills return but not fully Some capacity of self-control returns

42 Interventions/Adult Behaviors

43 Interventions/Adult Behaviors
Focus is on debriefing and transitioning back Use of humor if appropriate Positively reinforce displays of appropriate behavior Begin to reestablish routine activities Active listening Don’t require apologies Provide your own apologies and/or clarifications if needed Focus on the present Don’t expect remorse or concern

44 Post-Recovery (sometime later)
Teach through problem solving example and help the child own the problem and the solution: What did I do? Why did I do it? What could I have done instead? What do I have to do next? Can I do it? Role Play the Love and Logic Procedure. 3rd grade student who is at post-recovery of a aggressive tantrum in which he threw things across the room, called the teacher a freaken bitch, and tipped over his desk before leaving the room and removing himself to the playground where he refused to return to school for over one hour. This started because he was laughing and carrying on with other students in the room and the teacher asked him to stop Looks like you had a pretty hard time there today in Science class. Empathy Statement What are some other ways you could have handled that today? Kid says “I dunno” or gives several ideas. Would you like to hear some of the things other kids do in those situations? Kid says “Yeah” Provide alternatives and ask “How might that work?” for each. Elicit anymore ideas ask “How might that work?” Review the ideas and then ask “Which one of those would you like to try?” Kid picks one. “Sounds like you have a plan. Why don’t you report back to me later and let me know how that goes”

45 The MODEL High Peak Acceleration De-escalation Agitation Trigger Calm
Recovery Low

46 Big Ideas Teach coping skills prior to escalating incidents or at post-recovery time. Look for replacement behaviors that can be taught & serve similar function. Manage your own behavior. Identify environmental factors that can be manipulated to prevent escalating behaviors. Don’t hurry or attempt to force students through phases of escalation. Develop and follow crisis intervention plans to deal with the peak phase of escalation. Follow-up sometime after the incident with the student problem solve and teach ways to better deal with their behavior.

47 Sources Power Point Presentation - School Wide Positive Behavioral Supports Training (Colvin and Sugai, 1989) The Mandt System: Putting People First (David Mandt and Associates, April, 2002)

48 Video Link Boston 24/7 with Principal McAfee (With Captions)

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