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Contracts, Procurement, & Risk Management

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Presentation on theme: "Contracts, Procurement, & Risk Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contracts, Procurement, & Risk Management
Open forum May 7, 2012

2 Agenda Fiscal Year-End Procurement Deadlines
Print Partners and new Cal Poly Logo Copier Refresh Program Update International Travel Insurance Process

3 Fiscal Year-End Procurement Deadlines
Purchasing Requisitions- $3500 or less must be approved, budget checked, and all back-up received by Friday May 25, 2012. All Change orders must be received in CPRM by Friday, June 1, 2012. University Contracts invoiced up to Friday, June 15, 2012 will be processed in this fiscal year.

4 Fiscal Year-End Purchasing Deadlines
ProCard charges recorded on billing statements up to Friday, June 15, 2012 will be processed in this fiscal year Cal Poly Corporation charges up to May 31, 2012 will be recorded in this fiscal year. Office Max charges up to May 31, 2012 will be recorded in the current fiscal year

5 Print Partners and New Cal Poly Logo
February/March 2012: Public Affairs released the new Cal Poly Graphic Standards Manual: CPRM worked closely with University Graphic Systems (UGS) to develop the UGS Storefront for online ordering of letterhead, envelopes & collateral pieces with the new logo, look and feel. CPRM worked closely with Poor Richard’s Press (PRP) to develop the online business card ordering with the new logo.

6 Copier Refresh Program Update
May/June 2012: More Office Solutions (MOS) will: Schedule needs assessment meetings with Admin. Coordinators. MOS will also provide the departmental agreement documents for their completion and instructions for processing their requests. CPRM & MOS will receive the departmental agreement & MOS will order the copier.

7 Copier Refresh Program Update
MOS will contact the Admin Coordinator (as well as their LAN coordinator) and schedule delivery. Deliveries are planned for summer (July/August) The MOS Technician will visit their current copier to complete the Hard Drive erase morning of scheduled install.

8 International Travel Insurance

9 International Travel Insurance
Executive Order 1041 March 7, 2011: Memo from Vice Chancellor Quillian January 13, 2012: Memo from Asst. Vice Chancellor Minnick

10 International Travel Insurance
Located on Risk Management Website

11 International Travel Insurance
Will your travel include students?

12 International Travel Insurance
Located on Risk Management Website

13 International Travel Insurance

14 International Travel Insurance
The link on the application will take you to these pages.

15 International Travel Insurance

16 International Travel Insurance

17 International Travel Insurance

18 International Travel Insurance

19 International Travel Insurance

20 Thank you for attending!
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