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National Legislation and Coordination Mechanisms

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1 National Legislation and Coordination Mechanisms
Expert Meeting on NMHSs’ Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction Coordination Mechanisms and Early Warning Systems Herbert White Dissemination Services Manager National Weather Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce November 26, 2007

2 Outline The U.S. National Response Plan
Authorities and Mandates Basic Tenets Applicability Key Issue: Opportunities through coordination mechanisms Key Issue: Challenges in adopting and enforcing DRR legislations Management System Key Components

3 The National Response Plan (NRP) Authorities and Mandate
The NRP: Uses foundation provided by: Stafford Act of 1979 as amended Homeland Security Act HS Presidential Directive 5 Establishes : Federal coordination structures/mechanisms Direction for incorporation of existing plans Comprehensive, consistent approach to managing domestic incidents Does NOT alter or impeded the ability of Federal agencies to carry out their specific authorities under applicable laws, Executive Orders, and directives

4 The National Response Plan
Basic tenets: Builds on what works from previous plans and incident response Addresses the complete spectrum of incident management activities Uses the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to establish a framework for standardized coordination methods among Federal, state, local, tribal, non-governmental, and private-sector organizations

5 The National Response Plan
Applicability: The NRP applies to all Federal departments and agencies that have primary jurisdiction for or participate in operations requiring a Federal response including: Major Disasters, emergency, and terrorist incidents including threats Other events of lesser severity requiring a coordinated Federal response

6 Key Issue Opportunities through coordination mechanisms.
Partnerships are essential to implement the following concepts for a safer world: Make natural disaster reduction a public value Emphasize pre-event mitigation Improve real-time warning systems and supportive services Identify means for financing mitigation Improve information dissemination and access Recognize that natural disaster reduction is a global issue

7 Key Issue Challenges in adopting and enforcing DRR legislations.
Overcoming complacency by: Sharing the concepts with the rest of society Expanding the circle of influence Maintaining focus: Hazards are infrequent and cyclical

8 Management System Key Components

9 Collaboration, Partnerships and Coordination
A Safer Society END

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