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Kingdom Protista.

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1 Kingdom Protista

2 I. Characteristics: A. Eukaryotic with a “true” nucleus.
B. Unicellular. C. Live in marine water, freshwater, soil and animal intestines. D. Parasites that can cause disease.

3 Trichymonus (reproductive tracts)

4 II. 3 Main Groups: 1. Animal-like. 2. Plant-like. 3. Fungus-like.

5 III. Protozoans Animal-like. Classified by their movement: flagella
cilia pseudopodia (false feet)

6 Ameoba

7 Amoeba A. Phylum Sarcodina 1. Move by pseudopodia.
2. Constantly change shape. 3. Reproduce asexually by binary fission(one cell divides into two)

8 4. Have two types of cytoplasm:
a. endoplasm- thick, inner part of the cell. b. ectoplasm- watery, outer part that lies next to the cell membrane.

9 5. Have contractile vacuoles that remove excess water.
Helps maintain an isotonic environment.

10 Disease Amoebic Dysentery found in unclean water or food.
The parasite will feed on the host’s intestinal wall. Severe cramps and G I upset.

11 Trypanosoma

12 Trypanasoma B. Phylum Zoomastigina 1. Move by flagella.
2. Most are parasites. 3. Carried from host to host by mosquitoes and flies.

13 African sleeping sickness
Disease African sleeping sickness carried by the Tsetse fly. Causes headache, fever, coma and then death. Affects the CNS.

14 Paramecium

15 C. Phylum Ciliophora Paramecium 1. Move by cilia. 2. Have two nuclei:
a. macronucleus- controls all cell activities except sexual reproduction.

16 b. micronucleus- controls sexual reproduction.
3. Have adapted parts for feeding…oral groove, mouth pore, gullet, and anal pore.

17 4. Reproduce asexually by binary fission.
5. Reproduce sexually by conjugation (two cells join and exchange parts of the micronucleus). 6. Do not cause disease.

18 D. Phylum Sporozoa Plasmodium 1. Have no method of movement.
2. All are parasites. 3. Reproduce asexually by spores (resistant to bad conditions).

19 Plasmodium

20 Disease Malaria (Life Cycle)
a. Anopheles mosquito carrying Plasmodium bites someone. b. spores enter the bloodstream, then go to the liver to reproduce.

21 c. new spores enter red blood cells.
d. spores burst the RBCs and release toxins into the host’s blood.

22 Kills 2-4 million people/yr.
Symptoms: Chills and high fever. Treatment is quinine. Kills 2-4 million people/yr.

23 IV. Algae Plant-like protists.
A. phytoplankton- major producers of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems.

24 Spirogyra

25 Euglena

26 B. Euglena has chlorophyll pigments. A light-sensitive eyespot
red and brown algae

27 V. Fungus-like Protists
Slime molds water molds Downy mildew

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