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The Positive Side of Obesity Prevention: Applying a positive youth development framework to obesity prevention. Southern Obesity Summit November 14, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "The Positive Side of Obesity Prevention: Applying a positive youth development framework to obesity prevention. Southern Obesity Summit November 14, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Positive Side of Obesity Prevention: Applying a positive youth development framework to obesity prevention. Southern Obesity Summit November 14, Houston, TX

2 What is a positive approach to obesity prevention?
Positive Youth Development framework Focus on enhancing individual strengths and promoting positive outcomes Assets not problems to solve Whole child approach

3 The whole child multidimensional approach to obesity prevention
Wellness Nutrition Perspective Physical Activity Body Image Relationships Mission and Purpose Competence Belonging Identity Safety and Security Resilience Self-Care Love of Self Comprehensive wellness as obesity prevention Wellness arch Coordinated School Health initiative Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)

4 Applying a positive obesity prevention approach
Direct student approach Wellness Spotlights for elementary schools Texas Education Agency approved semester courses Middle and high school Long-term intervention 6-12th grades

5 Results From , there was an average of 8.5% improvement in BMI (6.8%, %, 7.6%) Looking longitudinally, 1 year of programming resulted in 1.5% increase in healthy BMI 2 years of programming resulted in 2% increase in healthy BMI 3 years of programming resulted in 4.7% increase in healthy BMI After a concentrated intervention involving a semester course in obesity prevention education, adolescents showed 6.7% increase in healthy BMI.

6 Contact information Covenant BodyMind Initiative Texas Tech University Gregory D. Johnston, PhD, LPC Linn Walker, RN, CWPC (806)

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