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Media Evaluation By Matt Everatt.

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1 Media Evaluation By Matt Everatt

2 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? My media production uses the genre of horror to some extent in real media products. I chose to make my media production do this because I wanted to make a film that involved zombies attacking survivors and killing them. The reason I used the theme of zombies and them attacking survivors because of my inspirations from the films I watched to get a better idea on how they portray a zombie attacking survivors and making them come back to life. My media production is set in a school I decided to use this because of the inspirations I used which involved the film Resident Evil in one of the scenes there are survivors in a school which one of them ends up getting killed by the zombies. Also my media production involves using a virus that ends up escaping and turns people into zombies I used a virus because I wanted it to be involved in how it could have gone wrong and made people want to watch on and find out how it happened.

3 How does your media product represent social groups?
My media product represents social groups such as scientists, zombies and students. My media product uses scientists because they can create cures and think they will work like in my film however as the audience soon find out what the cure has caused. The scientist in my film is been stereotyped as being very ambitious because he thinks that he has perfected this cure but he plainly has not. My media product also uses students because these students are completely clueless about what has happened until one of them gets attacked by the zombies they are stereotyped as being innocent people because they are sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time. My media product uses zombies as a social group because they are innocent people too in some sort of way. They are stereotyped as been really docile but also as been cold blooded killers although it is not their fault that they kill one of the students it’s the scientists fault for creating the cure in the first place.

4 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The kind of media institution that might distribute my media product would either be universal studios or Constantin films as these are the most popular media institutions that present media films of the horror genre. I also think this because people seem to find these media institutions as the most popular ones above others. But although these are the most popular institutions and they also show the most films they sometimes don’t bring in audiences just because its their name in the movie.

5 Who would be the audience for your media product?
My media product would be based around people that like watching horror or zombie films. My media product thought would be targeted at adolescents and young adults because my media product may scare children of the younger age that’s why my film would be aimed at teenagers and older. I also aimed my film at this sort of audience because of the unsuitable content that is involved which shouldn’t be watched by young children which included blood, gore and violence.

6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The technologies I have learnt about through the construction of my media product is the use of screen transitions and how they can be used to link and make my film run more smoothly without it jumping from one scene to the next. An example of a screen transition I used was a dissolve transition which is a gradual transition from one scene to the other scene. Another one of the technologies I have learnt is the use of voiceovers and mood music which gave my media product more emphasis and more drama.

7 How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience by showing the opening two minutes of my film which showed the audience an enigma and then I went straight into the action. I decided to do this because for my research I watched the openings of films that were of the horror genre these films were Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead and Land of the Dead which all of these films started straight into action. My inspirations for my film were based around these films. My opening two minutes also involved showing the cure been made and then two people become zombies. I decided to do this because it would make people want to watch on to see what made the cure go wrong.

8 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? I have learnt and followed the 180° rule. I have also learnt a lot about editing and how to make my film work without it jumping from one to the other scene. Which is a rule line that I have to follow when editing parts of my media project also it must have the same right or left relationship. Also I have learnt about all the different types of camera angles and camera shots as well. Some of the camera shots and angles I used in my media project were a close up shot to get a close up of the people coming back to life from the dead. I also used a high angled camera shot in my media storyboard to show the people that have died as a result of the cure going wrong.

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