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Pastoral Care at Chase Family Church

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1 Pastoral Care at Chase Family Church
“Love one another as I have loved you. By this all men will know that your are my disciples if you love one another.” John 13:

2 The Vision To support the spiritual and emotional well being of the church To provide a coordinated approach to both spiritual and practical needs

3 The Vision in Practice To bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2)
To be comforters so we can comfort others (2 Cor 1:4) To equip members of the church (Eph 4:12) To see people set free and moving into God’s purpose for them

4 The Structure Pastoral Care Co-ordinator (PCC) Chitra Robson
The Core Team Pastoral Care Co-ordinator (PCC) Chitra Robson Deputy – Lesley Dufton Prayer Ministry – Karen Burrowes Support – Maureen Stringer

5 Accountability The core team is accountable to the Elders
Our approach will be set within a framework established by the Elders and the core team Guidelines will be put in place for practical helps, spiritual care and prayer ministry

6 Practical, Spiritual or Emotional Need?
We believe some needs overlap and cannot always be categorised We will aim to provide a co-ordinated approach to avoid duplication or some needs being overlooked

7 Your Involvement Examples of existing pastoral ministries within the church Elders House Groups Mentoring Prayer Partners Belong Springers Language Class Alpha Courses CAP Fit for Life Individuals Practical Helps

8 Practical Helps We are currently focusing on launching the practical needs side of the ministry HOWEVER!! WE NEED A TEAM OF MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES TO MAKE THIS WORK PLEASE RETURN YOUR FORM

9 Effective Pastoral Care
The Way Forward Communication Training Regular team meetings Outcome Effective Pastoral Care

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