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1 Communication & Selling
CHAPTER 15 6/11/2018 Marketing Unit 8:Promotion Communication & Selling Danna Nelson-Gresham High School MARKETING

2 Promotion is Part of the Marketing Mix
Promotion is one of the 4 elements of the Marketing Mix, also referred to as the 4 P’s of marketing. Frameworks 8.3

3 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
Promotion is a communication process, which is the transfer of a message from a sender to a receiver. Frameworks 8.2

4 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
The sender is the source of the message. Frameworks 8.2.1

5 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
The message is what is being communicated. Frameworks 8.2.1

6 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
Encoding is when the sender converts an idea into a message that the receiver can understand. The Oscar “selfie” was retweeted over 3 million times. The photo was taken with a Samsung phone. A commercial for Samsung appeared during the commercial break. Video: The Oscar Selfie Breaks Twitter Frameworks 8.2.1

7 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
The receiver is the person or persons to whom the message is directed. (potential customers) Frameworks 8.2.1

8 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the transmitted language and symbols to comprehend the message. Video: “Who’s on First” With Abbott & Costello Frameworks 8.2.1

9 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
Noise is any distracting information in the transmission, the message channel, or the environment that might distract from the message. Frameworks 8.2.1

10 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
Feedback is the receiver’s response to the message. Frameworks 8.2.1

11 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
The message channel is the vehicle by which the message travels. (social media, TV, radio, newspaper, text message, a salesperson, or billboard) Frameworks 8.2.1

12 The Goals of Promotion Promotion is any form of communication a business or organization uses to … inform, persuade, or remind consumers about its products or services. Frameworks 8.3.1

13 The Elements of the Promotion
The promotional mix is the combination of advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion that marketers use to reach the target market. Frameworks 8.3.2

14 The Elements of the Promotion
The elements of the promotional mix must be coordinated to deliver a cohesive message. Frameworks 8.3.2

15 The Elements of the Promotion
Advertising is any form of paid, non-personal communication that uses mass media to deliver the marketer’s message to an audience. Frameworks 8.3.2

16 The Elements of the Promotion
Public relations is the effort to reach consumers by generating positive publicity. Frameworks 8.3.2

17 The Elements of the Promotion
Sales promotion is any short-term incentive, activity, or material that gives consumers a direct incentive to buy. Frameworks 8.3.2

18 The Elements of the Promotion
Personal selling is persuasive person-to-person communication with a potential customer in an effort to inform, persuade, or remind the customer about the organization’s products or services. Frameworks 8.3.2

19 The Personal Selling Process
The salesperson is the link between the customer and the business. Video: 81 Year Old Broom Salesman Frameworks 8.4.1

20 The Personal Selling Process
Personal selling is really about helping customers make wise and satisfying buying decisions. Never sell a product to a customer if that product will not meet their needs. Frameworks 8.3.2

21 The Steps of Personal Selling
The steps of the personal selling process include: The Pre-Approach The Approach Determining Customer Needs Presenting/Demonstrating the Product Answering Objections Closing the Sale Suggestion Selling Following-Up/Relationship Marketing Frameworks 8.4

22 The Steps of Personal Selling
During the pre-approach the salesperson gets ready for the face-to-face meeting with the customer. Becoming knowledgeable about the product. Gathering information about prospective customers. A prospect is a potential customer, also known as a lead. The term cold calling is contacting a prospective customer without any information about the person. Frameworks 8.4

23 The Steps of Personal Selling
Methods for developing prospects: Employer Leads Telephone Directories Professional Directories Newspapers Commercial Lists Customer Referrals Social Media – LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook

24 The Steps of Personal Selling
The approach is the first contact between the customer and the salesperson. Common approach techniques: In the service approach the salesperson asks the customer if he or she needs assistance. This method is acceptable when the customer is obviously in a hurry or if you are an order taker for routine purchases. Frameworks 8.4

25 The Steps of Personal Selling
Common approach techniques: When using the greeting approach the salesperson simply welcomes the customer to the store. This lets the customer know that the salesperson is available for any questions or assistance. Frameworks 8.4

26 The Steps of Personal Selling
Common approach techniques: With the merchandise approach the salesperson makes a comment or asks questions about a product in which the customer shows interest. This method can only be used if a customer shows interest a specific item. Frameworks 8.4

27 The Steps of Personal Selling
A qualified customer is a prospect with a need for the product, the resources to purchase the product, and the authority to make the purchase decision.

28 Personal Selling: Determining Needs
In order to determine customer needs salespeople should do the following: Question Listen Observe

29 Personal Selling: Determining Needs
Questioning – get the customer talking! Ask open-ended questions—questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand customers' needs. Don't ask too many questions in a row. Don't ask questions that might embarrass customers or put them on the defensive. Frameworks 8.4

30 Personal Selling: Determining Needs
Listening helps you pick up clues to the customer's needs. Remember these five important listening skills when talking to customers: Maintain good eye contact. Provide verbal and nonverbal feed back. Give the customer your undivided attention. Listen with empathy and an open mind. Do not interrupt. Frameworks 8.4

31 Personal Selling: Determining Needs
When you observe a customer, you should look for buying motives that are communicated nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is expressing yourself through body language such as facial expressions, hand motions, and eye movement.

32 Personal Selling: Presentation
Creatively displaying the product is the first step in an eye-catching presentation. Frameworks 8.4

33 Personal Selling: Presentation
A personalized presentation of the features of the product in a way that emphasizes the benefits and value to the customer. Video: Jeep Grand Cherokee Demonstration Frameworks 8.4

34 Personal Selling: Presentation
The way you handle a product presents an image of its quality. Handle it with care and respect. Frameworks 8.4

35 Personal Selling: Presentation
When it is impractical to demonstrate the actual product or when you want to emphasize certain selling points, you can use sales aids such as samples, videos, models, photographs, or drawings. Frameworks 8.4

36 Personal Selling: Presentation
Get the customer physically involved with the product demonstration as soon as possible in the sales presentation. Video: Customer Recommendation and Referral Frameworks 8.4

37 Personal Selling: Presentation

38 Personal Selling: Presentation
Frameworks 8.4

39 Personal Selling: Objections
Objections are concerns, hesitations, doubts, or other honest reasons a customer has for not making a purchase. Objections are opportunities to present more information to the customer. Frameworks 8.4

40 Personal Selling: Objections
What is the most common objection in selling? ____________. PRICE! Video: Say Yes to the Dress Frameworks 8.4

41 Personal Selling: Objections
Excuses are insincere reasons for not buying or not seeing the salesperson. Frameworks 8.4

42 Personal Selling: Objections
Successful salespeople have learned to use a very basic, four-step strategy when answering all objections: Listen carefully Acknowledge the customer’s objections Restate the objection – paraphrase. Answer the objection. Frameworks 8.4

43 Personal Selling: Closing
Closing the sale is obtaining positive agreement from the customer to buy. Close the sale when your customer is ready to buy. Look for buying signals, the things a customer does that indicate a readiness to buy, such as facial expressions, actions, and comments. Frameworks 8.4

44 Personal Selling: Closing
Which or Choice Close Encourage a customer to make a decision between two items. Standing-Room-Only Close (SRO) Use this when a product is in short supply or when the price will be going up in the near future. Should only be used when it is TRUE. Frameworks 8.4

45 Personal Selling: Closing
Direct Close Ask for the sale with non-threatening questions or statements that get the customer ready for the close. Service Close Explain services that overcome obstacles or problems: gift-wrapping, a return policy, special sales arrangements, warranties and guarantees, bonuses or premiums, and credit or payment terms. Frameworks 8.4

46 Personal Selling: Suggestion Selling
Suggestion selling requires that the salesperson suggest other related products that customers may see as valuable. Frameworks 8.4

47 Personal Selling: Suggestion Selling
Suggestion selling should be attempted after the customer has made a commitment to buy, but before payment is made or the order written. Frameworks 8.4

48 Personal Selling: Following-Up
Personal selling should create an on-going profitable relationship with the customer. Frameworks 8.3.2

49 Personal Selling: Following-Up
Relationship marketing involves the strategies businesses use to stay close to their customers. Frameworks 8.3.2

50 Personal Selling: Following-Up
Think of following-up activities as part of an ongoing dialogue with customers in preparation for future sales.

51 Personal Selling: Following-Up
Before the customer departs or before you leave your client's office you should: Reassure the person of their wise buying choices. Take the time to educate your customer about any special care or specific instructions for their purchase. Tell them when to expect delivery, if applicable. Thank the customer, even if they don’t buy.

52 Product Features & Benefits
The salesperson must have extensive product knowledge and a full understanding of all product features and benefits. The salesperson must know all there is to know about the product they are selling. Frameworks 8.5

53 Product Features & Benefits
Sources of product information include product manuals, trade shows, advertisements, other salespeople, company training programs, sales aids, direct experience with the product, and other business publications. Frameworks 8.5

54 Product Features & Benefits
A product feature is a description of a product characteristic. It’s basic, physical or extended attributes. A product benefit is the advantage provided to a customer as a result of the feature. The personal satisfaction a customer will get from a good or service. Remember … customers buy benefits not features! Frameworks 8.5

55 Product Features & Benefits
What is the benefit of an extended warranty? What is the benefit of anti-lock brakes? What is the benefit of airbags in an automobile? Video: Volkswagen Airbag Demonstration Frameworks

56 Customer Decision Making
Routine decision making is used for purchases that are made frequently and do not require much thought. Frameworks 8.6 & 8.6.1

57 Customer Decision Making
Limited decision making takes more time and is associated with a more expensive product that is bought less frequently. Frameworks 8.6 & 8.6.1

58 Customer Decision Making
Extensive decision making is done for very expensive products and the customer will often take considerable time to compare many options. Frameworks 8.6 & 8.6.1

59 Customer Decision Making
The convenience of online selling is changing how customers make buying decisions. Personal selling must also change in order to compete with new technology. Video: Online Real Estate Sales Frameworks 8.6 & 8.6.1

60 Customer Decision Making
Marketers will have the greatest opportunity to explain the benefits of their products and services and how they can satisfy consumer needs when the customer uses extensive decision making. The appropriate role of marketers in consumer decision making is to match their product benefits to the needs and expectations of customers. Frameworks 8.6.1

61 Video – The Pursuit of Happyness
Watch the Movie Trailer Interview With Chris Gardner Pt. 1 Interview With Chris Gardner Pt. 2

62 Watch the Movie Trailer
Video – Door to Door The movie Door to Door is about Bill Porter (William H. Macy), a door-to-door salesman with cerebral palsy. Despite the pain of his medical condition, Bill Porter walked eight to ten miles a day to meet his customers. The film was nominated for twelve Emmy Awards, winning six. Watch the Movie Trailer

63 Communication and Selling
End of Unit 8 Promotion Communication and Selling

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