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Study Smarter, Not Harder

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1 Study Smarter, Not Harder
By Dr. Randy Gallaway

2 I. THE TRUTH about “STUDY”
Study (learning) is building or growing new brain cell patterns Short Term Memory – quick but soon forgotten--- “cramming” Long Term Memory - keep it for years Learning is moving information from Short Term to Long Term memory: it is process; Steps: time, review, practice, use, explain it “teach it” to others Retention … Review, Review, Review

3 2. Set high goals – OLYMPICS “GO FOR THE GOLD” He who shoots at nothing hits it every time! What are you aiming for? My academic goal for School GPA ____ My College Major _____ Grad Date _______ My Career Goal _____________ Graduation Date _____________

4 3. Strive for excellence: ”Whatever you do, do it with all your heart
I have been “excellent” in ______________________ I will be “excellent” in “Excellent” to me means to

5 II. PLANNING YOUR STUDY: He who fails to plan plans to fail- plan to study like you would work at ___ hours a week at a job. How to get organized… Keep a calendar with due dates of major assignments. Purchase a calendar with enough room to write in assignments, due dates, names and key details. Plan your study like appointments - He who fails to plan plans to fail- plan to study like hours at a job. Think of your calendar as your long range planning tool- helping you space out projects over time. Make a plan, and then work the plan. I like planning ________ I don’t like to plan __________ why? ________

6 6. Decide the order in which you
3. Set aside a block of time each day for study- Remember Study is your ‘job’! My best time to study is ______________  4. Make a list of assignments to be done that day or evening from your calendar.  5. Estimate time needed for each assignment- for example: English 1 hour, History- 50 minutes, Biology 1 hour, etc.  6. Decide the order in which you want to do them- hard ones first or last?

7 6. Decide the order in which you want to do them- hard ones first or last?
Subject Assignment Time needed Done To be continued

8 7. Take little breaks - 5-minute break between subjects- walk around, refresh yourself....
8. Pace yourself. - Watch your progress as you go... Watch the clock, keep the pressure on! 2. Speed up if necessary—remember this “the job expands to fill the time allotted!” 3. Extend or shorten time allotments in each subject, BUT PUSH TO FINISH BY YOUR DEADLINE- example: 10 pm I’m Free!

1. Ask yourself questions: What is this about? How does it relate? Make yourself think! 2. Secrets of remembering: a. Force “original awareness”- Discover the “outline” or “secret” You can’t remember what you haven’t seen! Be a keen observer - a detective like on TV b. Select the most important facts, formulas and dates etc. What did the teacher emphasize? What did the textbook “highlight” What do I think will be on the exam?

10 c. Create a “study sheet” of key ideas
One page - hand written, capsule big ideas, formulas, etc. Do it yourself - get your head, eyes, ears, hands involved d. Associate new facts with something you already know... It is hard to remember isolated facts so tie it together e. Link words into a mental cartoon with actions or images based on “sounds like” associations. Illustration: _____________ Or link to a ‘memory palace’

11 f. Exaggerate - the wilder and funnier the better!
g. Review, review, review- the “study sheet” - not the book…

12 3. Dealing with distractions: (Things or people that keep you from studying)
a. Interruptions -- I’m studying, but I’ll call you back at ___________ You won’t lose a friend and you may help them go study! b. Fatigue -- Take a catnap or shower, jog, and drink ice water c. Daydreaming – Remind yourself of the importance of your study or some fun you can have when you finish!

V. FUTURE DISCOVERY: Determine and work with your learning style. Are you a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner? Circle the way you like to learn I learn by seeing or reading ____________ I learn by listening ___________________________ I learn by using my hands - touching, feeling, assembling, building, etc. _______ I learn by watching someone demonstrate I learn by “experimenting” – trying new things myself

14 My ACTION PLAN- Underline ideas you want to try. Start using them today.
I will _______________________________________. I need to get__________________________________. I will start a study group with (names) _______________. I will ______________________________________. __________________________________________s.

15 Author: Dr. Randall Gallaway, PO Box 65303. Lubbock, TX
Author: Dr. Randall Gallaway, PO Box Lubbock, TX Permission is required for copying or distribution of this material. Feedback: If you enjoyed this presentation, feel free to me and let me know. If you try it in your grades go up, your life is better, and you have more free time please send me an to let me know. Also, if there is something I need to improve please tell me so I can make my seminars better. To help me remember you please attach a picture if you like. All the best, Randy Gallaway

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