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Bell Ringer In your notes:

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1 Bell Ringer In your notes:
List three things you think you know about Germany or World War II

2 The Rise of Dictators Post World War I Europe

3 Two Terms Totalitarian Dictator
Ruling a country and its people with complete control Tyrant: Tyrannous, Latin term associated with Rex (king) A person who rules a country with absolute control in a cruel and brutal way

4 Germany Devastated by the Treaty of Versailles
Huge economic depression Experienced political revolution

5 Treaty of Versailles June 28, 1919 Provisions III. League of Nations
Germany loses territory Forced to disarm Forced to pay reparations Forced to accept responsibility for war III. League of Nations 1. Germany not allowed to join until 1926

6 Economic Depression Inflation Unemployment Prices soared
Destroyed the middle class Unemployment : 1,862,000 : 6,042,000

7 Political Upheaval 1918: Kaiser removed New Government 1930 Election
Many unwilling to accept new gov. 1930 Election Too many parties (28) #9: National Socialist German Worker’s Party

8 Why do you think Hitler’s party was able to win the election?

9 National Socialist German Party
1919 Founded 1921 Hitler takes over party 1930 1. Popularly elected gov. of Germany 1933 1. Hitler named Chancellor V. Beliefs: 1. Intense Nationalism 2. Social Darwinism 3. anti-Liberalism 4. anti-rationalism 5. anti-Marxism 6. anti-Semitism

10 To end class… In your notes: Make a timeline of events in Germany from the end of World War I to Hitler being named Chancellor

11 Bell Ringer In your notes:
What was the official name of Hitler’s political party (not Nazi)?

12 Italy Came out of World War I in decent shape
Looked to re-build the Roman empire Became a colonial power in Mediterranean and Africa

13 Benito Mussolini Political
1919: Est. Paramilitary Fascist movement Saw himself as modern Caesar 1921: Prime Minister 1926: Dictator II. Military 1. Rifleman in WWI 2. Used force to gain political power : Allied with Germany

14 What was a similar vision that both Hitler and Mussolini had for their countries?

15 Italian Colonialism Europe Africa 1 Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
2. Albania (1939) Africa Libya ( ) Somalia ( ) Ethiopia ( )

16 Russia Bolshevik Revolution = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Marxism Stalin

17 Bolshevik Revolution Nov. 1917 Occupy gov. buildings in Petrograd
Install new gov. World’s first Marxist state Vladimir Lenin at head Later rename country Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

18 What was going on in Europe during the time of the Bolshevik Revolution?

19 Stalin Ruled 1929-53 Domestic Terror Society Revolution
1. Took power after Lenin died Domestic Terror Millions died Executed enemies Sent others to labor camps Society Revolution 1. Changed from farming/peasants to industrial power

20 To End Class… Write a brief summary of either Mussolini or Stalin in your notes.

21 Bell Ringer 2/12 See if you are handing out notebooks >>>>>>> What was the name of Mussolini’s political party?

22 Bell Ringer 2/13 >>>Are you supposed to hand out notebooks?>>> What is the term/title given to political leaders like Mussolini and Hitler?

23 Geheime Staatspolizei
The Gestapo

24 Origin Nazi party’s secret police
Under direct control of Heinrich Himmler The law Had own courts Judge, Jury, Executioner Outside normal judicial system

25 Purpose Hunt out enemies of the state Jews Communists
Jehovah Witnesses Anyone who challenged the Nazis

26 Tactics/Methods Fear “Protective Custody” Spies Everywhere at once
People’s Court Guaranteed death sentence Spies 1. Used nationals to spy on each other in occupied countries

27 To End Class… To be handed in: Write a minimum of five sentences answering the following: What would you have done if you had to live under the fear of the Gestapo?

28 Bell Ringer 2/14 >>>>Are you handing out notebooks?>>>> What was the name of Hitler’s secret police?

29 Youth in the Reich

30 Hitler Youth Nazi Youth League Growth 1. 1922-1945 1923: 1,000+
1925: 5,000+ 1932: 107,956 1933: 2,300,000

31 Requirements Boys 14-18 years old
18 year olds join Nazi Party and Storm Troopers


33 Late 1930s Tried to make all youth 10 and older members
Mandatory education in Nazi philosophy (indoctrination) 1939: Largest youth organization in world (7.3 million)

34 1943-45 Conscripted into military service
1943:12 SS-Panzer Division of Hitlerjugend : 455 soldiers, 1 tank surrender to Amer. 7th Army

35 Swing Kids Swing Jugend

36 Counter Culture Youth anti-Nazi movement 14-18 year olds
1. Would rather dance than join Hitler Youth Berlin and Hamburg

37 Offensive? Jazz music offensive to Nazi philosophy
Copied British and American youth in dress and style Rented halls and clubs to dance in

38 Do you think this was a good way to protest Nazi philosophy?

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