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Services “Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of anything. It’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Services “Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of anything. It’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Services “Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of anything. It’s production may or may not be tied up to a physical product.”

2 Classification of Services
It is required to design & apply marketing techniques to completely satisfy the customer & increase profits & identify new emerging services. Classifications can be done on following basis: Classification by Industry Classification by Target Effect Skill level of service provider (Professional/ Nonprofessional) Labor intensiveness (People-based/Equipment-based) Degree of customer contact (High / Low) Goal of the service provider (Profit /Nonprofit)

3 Classification By Industry
Entertainment industry Education Telecommunications Finance & Insurance Transportation Public utilities Government services Health Hospitability Industry Business services Trading

4 Unit I -16BA727 - Services Marketing - K.Mohan Kumar, AP/MBA
Video presentation on -“Award Winning Film at Students National Short Film - A Blind Story - a short film HD* Unit I -16BA727 - Services Marketing - K.Mohan Kumar, AP/MBA

5 Classification By Target Effect
Based on Degree Of Customer Involvement: ( Lovelock) People Processing: Services aimed at physical care e.g. Healthcare, clinics, restaurant, hospitals, hair stylists, fitness centers Mental Stimulus Processing: Services aimed at mind of customer e.g. Education, information, entertainment, consulting, psychotherapy Possession Processing: Services aimed at physical possession & tangible assets e.g. repair & maintenance, laundry, repair services, landscaping, house cleaning services Information Processing : Services for intangible assets e.g. Banking, legal consultation, brokerage, financial services.

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