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Advanced allocation starts with us!
CAO - the CEE Allocation office CEE Capacity Congestion Management Project Tomaz Ostir – ICT Manager 23rd June 2010, Portoroz
Agenda Development of the energy markets – the road to Coordinated Auctions Central Allocation Office Company – initiative and first steps Team – multicultural & interdisciplinary Work New approach to crossborder capacity trading - FBA Future development of crossborder acitivities
The road to coordinated auctions /1
1st Energy Directives: 19 Feb 1997„Internal Market in Electricity and Gas“ Instant Opening: UK, FIN, SWE, DE Slow Movers: AT, ESP, NL Late Adopters: FRA, GR, IT Main goals of the European Union’s energy packages: Create a single European energy market Increase competition Increase efficiency Ensure security of supply. • Directive 96/92/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (“First Electricity Directive”) • Directive 98/30/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas (“First Gas Directive”) • Related regulations
The road to coordinated auctions /2
2nd Energy Directives (26. June 2003) - „Accelaration Directive“ 100 percent market opening by June 2007 Harmonized transmission access system: Regulated Third Party Access ERGEG Unbundling Requirements: Informational Operational Legal by 2004(TSO)/ 2007(DSO) Directive 2003/54/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (“Second Electricity Directive”) • Directive 2003/55/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas (“Second Gas Directive”) • Related regulations
The road to coordinated auctions /3
3rd Energy Directives (in progress) EU Council: Full Ownership Unbundling / Independent System Op. National Action Plans on Energy Poverty Price Setting Formulas / Peak Load Reduction Independent Energy Regulators / European Regulator (CEER) Grid Integration / Grid Codes Forming of a European Transmission Grid Cross Border Integration Investment Plans for Grid Infrastructure (Monitoring & Order) Monitoring of Cross Border Trade / Energy Prices Mandatory Full Ownership Unbundling (NO ISO, NO 3rd Way) Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (“Third Electricity Directive”) • Directive 2009/73/EC concerning common rulesm for the internal market in natural gas (“Third Gas Directive”) • Related regulations
CAO – Central Allocation Office
Freising Initiated in cooperation of TSOs and NRAs Regional coordination of congestion management Enhanced method of coordinated capacity calculation
CAO – Central Allocation Office (start)
CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH founded in July 2008 with registered office in Freising, Germany First preparatory organization steps done by the first managing director by the end of 2008 IT tender in 2008 closed by concluding the contract for the auction IT solution supply In December 2008 signed Contract for Services between TSOs and CAO Preparatory works to start the operation Consultancy services Work on the Technical Requirement Specification for the IT solution (TRS) - accepted on 7 April 2009 FBA method implemented, NTC as a fall-back
CAO – Central Allocation Office (Team)
Experienced start-up team CAO is doing necessary steps to be ready for the start Goal fulfilled: trained team of people for dry-run in fall 2009 and for the start of operation Number of employees since Jan 2010: 14 Process oriented organization CAO supported by TSOs workgroups dealing with market issues, FBA development and Scheduling issues CAO manages to lead the main WGs now Interim solution for 5 TSO
CAO – Central Allocation Office (Work)
Explicit auctions in CEE with use of flow based capacity allocation – Maximum Flow Yearly, Monthly and Daily allocation Secondary market CAO is responsible for capacity calculation based on delivered data (grid model, generation shift key, totals, saldo etc.) CAO provide and operate auction system CAO provide settlement services Decentralized Scheduling in the CEE for now Intraday trading responsibility of TSOs
Individual or Coordinated ATC auction(s)
NTC bilateral vs. FBA coordinated NTC bilateral TSO 1 Grid model ATC calculation Bilateral ATC Assessment Individual or Coordinated ATC auction(s) TSO 2 Grid model ATC calculation Bilateral ATC Assessment TSO n Grid model ATC calculation
Coordinated Flowbased auction(s)
NTC bilateral vs. FBA FBA TSO 1 Coordinated Flowbased auction(s) TSO 2 Grid model TSO n CAO TSOs identify and control only the critical grid elements
Consequences of FBA One-stop shop for Market Participants
One IT for CEE One auction for CEE Virtual Borders – e.g. PSEO-ELES The main intention of the Internal European Market establishment is to reach a higher social welfare bid price and the bid amount for all allocated (accepted) bids + social welfare Equivalent levels of network security In flow-based regime, cross-border capacities compete for the flows on the most critical branches, while in an ATC-based regime they don‘t investigation Difference between flow-based and ATC-based is in line with expectations Increase of welfare Decrease of total allocated capacity (mostly in rarely needed directions) Transmission cost assumed to be unaffected by ATCFB migration Generation cost savings are the relevant measure of social welfare gain Searching for an optimum distribution pattern of the limited resources (represented by capacities of the transmission elements) : •be market oriented and will give efficient economic signals to market participants and TSOs, •ensure that the physical power flows resulting from the (intra-) regional transactions comply with network security standards.
Maximum available exchange?
Control only critical elements! Consider critical outages (N-1) Estimate Available Maximum Flow (AMF)
“Flow decomposition” For each critical element: Available Maximum Flow (AMF) = Total maximum flow (TMF) - Natural flow (zero exchange flow) Flow caused by already allocated/nominated capacity Uncertain flows (reliability margins)
Concerns of market Complexity of the FBA allocation method
Structure of the input data: AMF, PTDF matrix volatile results / high sensitivity Not enough capacity as a result of the FBA allocation Short time for necessary adaptations – 6M required All changes in one step – critical Misunderstandings to be explained In flow-based regime, cross-border capacities compete for the flows on the most critical branches, while in an ATC-based regime they don‘t investigation Difference between flow-based and ATC-based is in line with expectations Increase of welfare Decrease of total allocated capacity (mostly in rarely needed directions) Transmission cost assumed to be unaffected by ATCFB migration Generation cost savings are the relevant measure of social welfare gain Searching for an optimum distribution pattern of the limited resources (represented by capacities of the transmission elements) : •be market oriented and will give efficient economic signals to market participants and TSOs, •ensure that the physical power flows resulting from the (intra-) regional transactions comply with network security standards.
Typical Misunderstandings
FBA will bring more capacity FBA is only a system of most optimal calculation known ensuring max security of supply = it doesn't built any new lines FBA will maximize from its nature allocated capacity on the most attractive directions What is better: Market Coupling or FBA? Such comparison does not have any sense Market Coupling is only an implicit allocation method which still needs the capacities to be somehow calculated (NTC, FBA or we have to invent something new ;-)
Typical Misunderstandings II
FBA manipulates with the capacity among profiles, because depending on sensitivity of flows FBA provides always a standardized optimal result taking into account technical constrains and attractiveness of a direction – i.e. market decides where more capacity will be allocated This is bringing 100% transparency in comparison with NTC world, where TSOs decides
Typical Misunderstandings II: Example
Typical Misunderstandings III
Bids on one profile influence Auction price on other profile As long as bids use the same constraint there must exist interrelation between the Auction Prices Similar principles already apply today in case of so called Technical Profiles used in “5 TSOs” auctions
Typical Misunderstandings IV
Discriminatory approach towards different profiles through PTDF – negative PTDF coefficient = infinity prices in example used for explanation of auction algorithm infinity price is used for the source-sink pair with negative PTDF on congested element this only means that as long as the use of capacity is relieving congested element capacity will be allocated
CAO in operation for 2010 - Interim Phase
Dealing with challenges in the FBA implementation, TSOs discussed set-up for 2010 Interim phase of capacity allocation in CEE started in parallel with the FBA project: CAO introduced common registration point for capacity allocation in CEE CAO took over the role of 5TSOs Auction Office CAO is providing other coordinating support to the other auction offices in CEE Until FBA is ready to launch
Approaching the start ... The new Auction Rules basically consulted with market – now major changes expected “Efficiency study” results to be available at the end of July 2010 Next dry-run session planned for August – September Start of the coordinated FBA procedure planned for October 2010 if no major problems appear NTC long-term auctions expected to be also coordinated by CAO Finalisation of the long-term FBA capacity calculation – expected in Q1 2011
What is happening elsewhere
Electricity Regional Initiative Consensus across Europe Flowbased – capacity calculation LT - Harmonized auction rules LT Harmonized IT interfaces Day ahead allocation – market coupling model Intraday – continuous intraday platform Balancing market integration Transparency
Other crossborder development - CASC – CWE
France Belgium Luxemburg Germany (Amprion, EnBW, TPS) Netherland Coordinate NTC Market Coupling - -> Implicit auction Flow base ERGEG
Other crossborder development
Thank you for your attention!
Advanced allocation starts with us! Thank you for your attention! Tomaz Ostir
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