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Chapter 16 Toward Civil War.

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1 Chapter 16 Toward Civil War

2 Search for Compromise Slavery in new territories was debated
Fugitive Slave Act Fined or jailed for helping fugitive slave Some Northerners ignored and juries didn’t convict Kansas-Nebraska Act Allowed people in each territory to vote on slavery: popular sovereignty

3 Kansas Conflict Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery in areas that were free and angered North Armed, pro-slavery border ruffians went to Kansas for the election May 1856 pro-slave forces attacked Lawrence, KS John Brown led anti-slave forces Newspaper wrote about “Civil War in Kansas”

4 Challenges to Slavery Dred Scott v. Sandford
Scott was Dr.’s slave in Missouri, then lived in free states Sued for freedom since he lived in free states Case went to Supreme Court Scott wasn’t a citizen, so he couldn’t sue Congress or voting couldn’t ban slavery

5 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Illinois Senate race of 1858 Debated slavery and popular sovereignty Lincoln never fully came out against slavery Douglas won election Lincoln gain national acclaim

6 Harpers Ferry John Brown led a raid on the federal arsenal (storage site for weapons) at Harpers Ferry, VA Wanted to give guns to Slaves so they could revolt Brown was defeated, convicted of treason and murder, and hanged Became a martyr (person who dies for a cause)

7 Secession and War Lincoln not on all ballots in South, made south mad
North had more people, outvoted South Lincoln wins election of 1860 South thought North would end slavery South wanted compromise to set slavery boundary at ’, Republicans rejected

8 Confederacy Feb 1861, TX, LA, Miss, AL, FL, GA, SC secede
“Confederate States of America” Jefferson Davis is president Used states’ rights to justify “Union didn’t enforce Fugitive Slave Act” “Denied Southern states = rights in territories” “Had the right to leave the union”

9 President Lincoln Took over March, 1861
VA, NC, KY, TN, Missouri, DE, MD, AR still Union Said he wouldn’t allow secession Got message from Fort Sumter, SC “low on supplies & Confederates demanded surrender” Davis ordered attack, nobody died but South got it Lincoln sent troops & VA, NC, TN, AR seceded

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