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Presentation on theme: "MAHARASHTRA PRABODHAN SEVA MANDAL"— Presentation transcript:


2 Maharashtra Prabodhan Seva Mandal (MPSM)
A 50-year-old not-for-profit organization under Jesuit management Working primarily with traditionally marginalized Adivasi communities in remote rural areas 2. In the second slide if a pic can show the little check dam we built it would make things clearer. Working in the interrelated areas of education (focus on strengthening primary education) health (consolidating indigenous health systems) livelihood development (promoting sustainable agriculture)

3 Maharashtra Prabodhan Seva Mandal (MPSM)
A 50-year-old not-for-profit organization under Jesuit management Working primarily with traditionally marginalized Adivasi communities in remote rural areas 2. In the second slide if a pic can show the little check dam we built it would make things clearer. Working in the interrelated areas of education (focus on strengthening primary education) health (consolidating indigenous health systems) livelihood development (promoting sustainable agriculture)

4 Our activities for strengthening primary education
Designing curricula and producing teaching-learning materials relevant to the rural, Adivasi context Running learning centres Computer learning and audio-visual education Third slide is fine I THINK THE THIRD PICTURE (TEACHER TRAINING) SHOULD BE REPLACED – NICER TO HAVE A PIC SHOWING TEACHERS SITTING TOGETHER, FOR A GAME, OR SOME OTHER ACTIVITY. THIS PIC LOOKS TOO MUCH LIKE AN EXAM! Conducting training programmes for village-level teachers We network with similar organizations in different parts of Maharashtra

5 Why these activities matter in the rural context
Despite the steady increase in primary school enrolment, thousands of children still do not have access to quality education in formal schools Functioning primary schools are often not accessible to children in many remote villages SUGGESTED TEXT FOR SLIDE 4. Many Adivasi children find the school curriculum and teaching methods irrelevant and alien There is a huge shortage of trained teachers Lack of access to modern technology is further widening the gap between the rich and the poor

6 Our strategy All learning centres run by local teachers, a majority of whom are women Teachers selected from the relatively more educated members of the village community Curriculum and teaching-learning materials provided to teachers Regular training and monitoring of learning centre activities Laptops taken to villages in rotation to give children an opportunity to use computers AGAIN, I THINK WE SHOULD USE BETTER PICTURES – SHOWING TEACHERS AND CHILDREN IN THEIR CLASSROOMS, WITH THE MATERIALS, CHILDREN USING LAPTOPS….. ALSO PLEASE CHANGE TEXT IN POINT 3 TO: REGULAR TRAINING OF TEACHERS AND MONITORING OF LEARNING CENTRE ACTIVITIES. AND THE CURRENT POINT 4 (CURRICULUM AND TEACHING-LEARNING MATERIALS) COULD BE MADE POINT 3, AND CURRENT POINT 3 MADE POINT 4.

7 Our reach Total reach: 5000+ children in nine districts
60 MPSM learning centres functioning in villages of Nashik district currently Average number of children in each centre: 20 Networking with 300 other learning centres in eight other districts in Maharashtra – Ahmednagar, Amravati, Aurangabad, Dhule, Nandurbar, Palghar, Raigad, Thane Teaching-learning material and barefoot teacher training provided for these centres PLEASE DELETE FULL STOPS IN POINT 3. IN POINT 4, PLEASE MAKE IT ‘MATERIALS’, NOT MATERIAL’. ALSO – GODFREY TO CHECK WHETHER FIGURES ARE FACTUALLY CORRECT. AND I REMEMBER HE TOLD ME THAT THE THANE CENTRE IS ALSO RUN BY MPSM. SO TEXT MAY NEED TO BE CHANGED IN POINTS 1 AND 2.

8 Our curriculum Curriculum specially designed to be relevant and meaningful in the rural context Covers a variety of themes and subject areas including Languages (Marathi and English) Mathematics Natural resources Organic farming Health and hygiene Women’s rights Life skills Attempts to make teaching-learning Interactive Participatory Enjoyable PLEASE CHANGE TITLE TO: OUR CURRICULUM. PLEASE COMBINE POINTS I AND 2, SO IT READS: CURRICULUM SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO BE RELEVANT AND MEANINGFUL IN THE RURAL CONTEXT POINT 3 WILL NOW BECOME ‘COVERS A VARIETY . . .’ ALSO: WE SHOULD ADD THE WORD ‘INCLUDING’ AFTER ‘SUBJECT AREAS’ OR AT LEAST ADD ONE OR TWO MORE THEMES, E.G., SAY ‘HEALTH AND HYGIENE’ INSTEAD OF ONLY ‘HEALTH’; ADD ‘GENERAL AWARENESS’ OR ‘LIFE SKILLS’ OR SOME SUCH THING. POINT 4 WILL BECOME: ‘ATTEMPTS TO MAKE . . .’

9 Our teaching-learning materials
Include a variety of visual and audiovisual materials – teachers’ handbooks, flex charts and posters, video films, flip charts, games etc. Used not only with children in village-level learning centres in nine districts but also as part of continuing education for farmers, women’s groups, etc.

10 English teaching and learning: Why important to us
Propelled by the need for English learning felt and expressed by Adivasi communities English teaching and learning in addition to (not instead of) local language and Marathi Need for innovative teaching-learning materials that reflect rural learners’ reality while also being sensitive to issues of gender and class – our materials aim to fulfil this need POINT 3, SLIGHT MODIFICATION: I THINK WE CAN JUST START WITH ‘NEED FOR INNOVATIVE . . .’ AND DELETE THE POINT ABOUT MATERIALS FOR URBAN AUDIENCES. PLEASE CHANGE SPELLING IN LAST LINE – ‘FULFIL’ IS THE BRITISH SPELLING THAT WE USE.

11 CONTACT Fr. Godfrey D’Lima, SJ Maharashtra Prabodhan Seva Mandal
Lokmanya Nagar, Gangapur Road, Nashik , Maharashtra INDIA Mobile


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