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Chapter 6 The disease of cardiovascular system

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1 Chapter 6 The disease of cardiovascular system

2 Section 1. Atherosclerosis ( AS )
Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium-size ateries that result in progressive accumulation within the intima of SMCs, lipids and connective tissue

3 Arteriosclerosis : Atherosclerosis ( AS ) Monckeberg media calcific sclerosis Arteriolosclerosis

4 Fibrofatty plaques that protrude into the lumen
Atherosclerosis characterized by : Intimal lesions called atheroma Fibrofatty plaques that protrude into the lumen Loss of elasticity of underlying media Undergo a serious of complications

5 aorta (abdominal) , carotid arteries
Primarily affects : Large - sized (elastic) arteries : aorta (abdominal) , carotid arteries Medium - sized muscular arteries : coronary , cerebral

6 Ⅰ.Etiology and Pathogenesis
(Ⅰ) Risk factors 1. Hyperlipidemia : ① LDL cholesterol, VLDL, triglycerides Lp (a) promoting ② HDL/HDL-C, apoA-I inhibiting 2. Hypertension: a major risk factor

7 4. Diabetes and hyperinsulimemia:
3. Smoking: ① Endothelial damage, CO↑ PDGF↑, SMC proliferation , emigration →media ② LDL oxidation ox-LDL 4. Diabetes and hyperinsulimemia: ① Hyperglycemia LDL glycolate ox-LDL hypertriglyceride ② Hyperinsulimemia SMC↑、HDL↓

8 5. Heredity: 200genes 6. Age and sex: HDL-receptor gene mutation→
family hypercholesterolemia 6. Age and sex: (1) Age: age↑→AS factors changes arterial wall proliferative change (2) Sex: estrogen → HDL postmenopausal female = male

9 (Ⅱ) Pathogenesis The mechanism responsible for lipid deposition in the intima and formation of the atheromatous lesion is known. At least six hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origins of atherosclerotic plaques.

10 1. Response to injury hypothesis :
(1) Chronic endothelial injury (2) Insudation of LDL into vessel wall (3) Modification of lipoprotein by oxidatin (4) Adhesion of blood monocyte to the EC (5) Adhesion of platelet (6) Activated platelet , macrophage release factors (7) Proliferation of SMC in the intima and accumulation of extracellular matrix(collagen) (8) Enhanced accumulation of lipid intracellularly and extracellularly.

11 Central to this thesis are the following events
Lipids Endothelial injury SMC proliferation Macrophage(Mφ)



14 2. Lipid infiltration hypothesis
3. Smooth muscle mutagenic hypothesis 4. Macrophage receptor defect hypothesis


16 Ⅱ Morphology (Ⅰ) Favorite site: lower abdominal aorta coronary A
popliteal A descending thoracic aorta internal carotid A vessels of circle of willis

17 (Ⅱ) Basic pathologic changes

18 1. Fatty streak: the early lesion (1) Gross: yellow flat spots or streaks, mm in width , slightly raised

19 Fatty streak (sudan red)

20 (2).LM: (low power lens) Fatty streak

21 (2) LM: composed of lipid-filled foam cells
Fatty streak

22 (4) Results: reversible
(3) Formation: lipid↑→engulfed by Mφ、SMC →foam cell (two sources) (4) Results: reversible could be seen in infants and children

23 2. Fibrous plaque: (1) Gross: irregular grey-white raised plaque
(2) LM: fibrous cap foam cell, lipids inflammatory cell

24 whitish yellow 3. Atheromatous plaque(atheroma) (1) Gross: yellow
irregular elevated plaque

25 (2) LM: ① Surface: Fibrous cap hyaline degeneration of collagen, SMC
embed in extracellular matrix ② Necrotic center: amorphous necrotic materials lipid, cell debris,cholesterol crystals, calcium surrounding: granulation tissue, LC, foam cells ③ Media: atrophy→thin

26 Lumen Masson trichrome Fibrous cap Lipid core Media thin Calcification,neovascularization

27 Fibrous cap Foam cells calcification cholesterol crystals muscularis

28 (三) Complicated lesions:
(1) Hemorrhage into a plaque: Acute obstruction of A → infarction ( coronary A →myocardial infarction) (2) Focal rupture: Lower abdominal aorta, iliac A, temporal A Rupture → ulceration → thrombosis embolism→infarct

29 (3) Thrombosis: Obstruction → infarction (4) Calcification : Brittleness → rupture (5) Aneurysm formation: Rupture → hemorrhage

30 Aneurysm Hemorrhage

31 Plaque rupture AS focal disruption,thrombomosis

32 Ⅲ. Lesions in organs & clinical features
1. Aortic AS: (1) Site:abdominal aorta>thoratic A> aorta arch > ascending A (2) Lesions: atheromatous and secondary changes abdominal aortic aneurysm →rupture →death 2. Coronary AS: coronary heart disease

33 3. Carotid A and Cerebral A AS:
(1) Site:basilar A,middle cerebral A,Willis circle (2) Lesion ① Ischemic atrophy of brain ② Infarction:thrombosis temporal lobe, caudate nucleus,lenticular nucleus, thalamus ③ Hemorrhage:AS →aneurysm rupture


35 4. Renal A AS: (1) Sites: proximal segment of major branch of renal A
(2) Lesion: infarct or hypertension


37 narrowing→claudication
5. AS of extremities: narrowing→claudication →thrombosis→gangrene 6. Small intestine AS: infarction

38 Small intestine AS


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