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Olaudah Equiano 1745-1797.

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Presentation on theme: "Olaudah Equiano 1745-1797."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olaudah Equiano

2 Olaudah Equiano Son of a tribal leader
In the Ibo language, his name means “well-spoken leader” Kidnapped at 11 years old; sold to British slave traders 15 million Africans were captured between and shipped to the Western Hemisphere Many died en route

3 The Middle Passage Conditions on the Atlantic voyage were atrocious
Crammed below decks less than 5 feet high Families were split apart Men were often shackled Equiano was so young and allowed to remain above deck He observed the mariners use of a compass A British captain purchased him and employed him at sea

4 Saving to Buy Liberty Equiano : Was renamed Gustavus Vassa
Enslaved for nearly 10 years Managed his master’s finances and saved his own money Bought his freedom Devoted his life to the abolition of slavery Established a settlement of more than 500 freed slaves in Freetown, Sierra Leone (1787)

5 The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano
Published in 1789 Created a sensation Eventually contributed to the banning of the slave trade in the United States (1808) and England Slave narratives played an important role in documenting history

6 Rhetorical Appeals (Aristotilian)
Ethos: the source's credibility, the speaker's/author's authority Logos: the logic used to support a claim (induction and deduction); can also be the facts and statistics used to help support the argument. Pathos: the emotional or motivational appeals; vivid language, emotional language and numerous sensory details.

7 3 Examples of Pathos _________________________________
Effect on the reader: _________________________

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