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prospects for Community Memory

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2 prospects for Community Memory
“Mapping the Future“: prospects for Community Memory The need for bridging activities and support for take-up Luxembourg, January 28, 2003

3 The need for bridging activities and support for take-up
Flavio Tariffi, TRIS Support Measure TRIS and the Trials A changing scenario Thinking locally The need Community Memory Building bridges A preparatory action Work areas The Trials at work

4 TRIS AND THE TRIALS TRIS coordinates and supports a network of 25 take-up actions Real-world experiments in innovative cultural heritage applications Revealing a different dimension of user needs and expectations in the cultural community Translating technologies and opportunities into real cultural services for the citizen

5 A changing scenario The societal role of cultural institutions is evolving local communities and networks of small institutions play a growing role Provide access to the heritage of local communities and build on the growing importance of cultural identity Focus on education, interactivity, rich media and knowledge accessibility

6 Thinking locally - 1 a “new economy” is emerging as local content and local identity speak to a global audience Local cultural identity, and the value of traditions and of place, combines with the potential of technology to support cultural use and delivery Catalysing the take-up of the Info Society at the citizens’ level

7 Thinking locally - 2 e-inclusion: overcoming the digital divide
a core ingredient of e-Europe 2005 Libraries, museums and archives can play a key role because of their closeness to user requirements Supporting the educational process and access to information Addressing the needs of young and old, groups with special needs and remote communities

8 The need Heritage for All: paving the way
Need: a better framework for citizens and their local institutions to participate actively in building the digital heritage of their communities Strong end-user involvement through: Professional technical guidance Specific educational services Innovative local services with easy-to-use features to bring the potential of IT systems and services to citizens

9 Community memory Catalysing the take-up of the Information Society at the citizens’ level A stronger involvement of ordinary citizens in the creation of business opportunities drawing on local content for culture, leisure, sports, travel, etc. accessing repositories of the heritage of their regions, towns and villages Mobilising Public libraries, smaller museums and archives to build bridges between advanced IT systems and the needs of users and local institutions

10 Building bridges The topics and instruments in the 1st Call may not directly foster services and solutions for local communities Need to build bridges between: existing and new research achievements and needs at the local level hw and sw manufacturers and local capabilities to absorb IT systems innovation and local scalability Cultural fragmentation and the eEurope, e-inclusion, and identity-based economy

11 A preparatory action - 1 A preparatory action between the 1st and the 4th Call could: Prepare answers to local and ordinary people needs Help federate local constituencies for a new social, inclusion role Monitor valid RTD projects in the area, transferring the results of research into innovative services for citizens Support the creation of integrated local communities and the mapping of local resources

12 A preparatory action - 2 And: Support the spread of good practice
Help overcome linguistic, usability and cultural divides Overcome fragmentation by promoting strategies of excellence, especially in the areas of Cultural Heritage and Education and Training Investigate on differences in national policies and seek strategies to harmonise them

13 Work areas - 1 Understanding and modelling Local Communities
Monitoring opportunities from research: watch, selection, technology transfer Best practice in networking and synergy: exploiting the experience of PULMAN and CULTIVATE Analysing national policies and looking at solutions to harmonise the different policy agendas Usability for everybody Users with special needs

14 Work areas - 2 Integration of enlargement Countries
Local and global: promoting the spread of good practice by de-coupling local content from solutions and models The business of local heritage: models and approaches to the sustainability and exploitation of the new services in cultural tourism, e-learning, e-services Information dissemination Application trials: testing models in exemplary contexts, creating showcases that may encourage emulation between LCs

15 The Trials at work The best practices from the TRIS group can form an advisory board Each Trial can: Analyse and define the LC model fitting the local context Select and test IT innovations according to local opportunities and needs Network local institutions to shape effective LCs Validate local and EU policy agendas Transfer and exploit the results both locally and in other LCs Disseminate experiences locally and internationally

16 Contacting TRIS Flavio Tariffi Monika Segbert
Barbara Morganti

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