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Compiling a keyword list A guide for OBI students

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1 Compiling a keyword list A guide for OBI students
Joanna Cooksey Academic Liaison Librarian

2 How to compile a keyword list
Remember that you can’t search databases using full sentences, so before you start searching, try and make a list of keywords and phrases that you can use as search terms. Write these in your search plan. 1) Think about your topic Start with your essay or assignment title, or the topic you’re planning to research. Identify the key words that appear in this and write them in your search plan. Focus on the main themes of your topic and what questions you’re hoping to answer. Include any countries/places, authors, theorists, organizations, companies etc. that are relevant. 2) Think of alternatives Next, try and think of alternative terms/synonyms that might be used. For example…

3 Example keyword list #1 Imagine you have to write an essay about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 26 which states: You have decided to focus your essay on issues of gender inequality in higher education. This means that you have 3 themes: 1) gender 2) inequality 3) higher education. For each of these themes you could come up with lots of alternative terms: Theme 1: Gender Theme 2: Inequality Theme 3: Higher Education Women Men Equality Human rights Civil rights Right to education Discrimination Sex discrimination University College Education

4 Example keyword list #2 Your essay question is: "Should there be a total ban on smoking in the UK?" Again, you could say this has 3 main themes: 1) smoking 2) ban 3) UK. For each of these themes you could come up with lots of alternative terms. You could also think about related areas you might want to explore, for example: health, economy, advertising, sport, effects on children, comparison with the situation in other countries… Theme 1: Smoking Theme 2: Ban Theme 3: UK Smokers Cigarettes Tobacco tobacco firms Law Legislation policy Britain

5 Try this yourself - task
Research question: How can people’s body language affect their success at work? Can you identify 3 main themes in this research question? Can you think of any alternative words or phrases associated with each theme? Theme 1: Body language Theme 2: ? Theme 3: ? Eye contact

6 Try this yourself – task suggestions
Research question: How can people’s body language affect their success at work? Can you identify 3 main themes in this research question? Can you think of any alternative words or phrases associated with each theme? Theme 1: Body language Theme 2: work Theme 3: success Eye contact facial expression non-verbal communication gestures posture interaction Interpersonal communication job occupation employment career office interview presentation successful achievement performance confidence influence power

7 Getting more ideas for your list
When you search on the Library catalogue for books, or on a database for journal articles, look out for any additional subject headings and keywords that seem relevant and add them to your keyword list.

8 For example Library catalogue search Academic Search Complete

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