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Schedule of NTUST course selection 2017 Fall

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1 Schedule of NTUST course selection 2017 Fall
Student ID: E → Graduate program F → Undergraduate program Aug Course Selection period Finished Sep 9: :00 Course Adding/Dropping period Every course will set student number quota, and students can select courses with remain quotas. This stage is on the basis of first forestalls to win. Manual selection: to choose Mandarin courses or courses at different level or when courses are full online However, the manual selection should follow the courses selection rules. NOT every manual selection will be accepted. Nov. 20- Dec. 8 Second course withdraw Withdraw classes. If you withdraw course during the period, the courses name will still show on your transcript with a ‘W’ mark.

2 Course Catalogue Course information can be checked at course catalog

3 Notice of Course code  The third digit of the course code starts with 1~4and G, are the courses offered by undergraduate program. The third digit starts with 5~9 are courses offered by graduate program. Program Course code Note Undergraduate program AT T N third digit starts with 1~4 Graduate program MA N T third digit starts with 5~9

4 Click on “Key to symbols” and check day/ time for courses


6 You may get more information about the course
Student registered The upper limit of the number of students in adding and dropping period

7 Exchange student Information System

8 NTU, NTNU courses should be selected from this link only.
Manual course selection not acceptable.

9 Course List

10 Adding/Dropping Time: 9/11-9/22 Adding/Dropping Course Form
Manual selection to choose Mandarin courses or courses at different level or when courses are full online PART 1. Adding courses offered by own department Course code Course title Signature of the instructor Submit the form by Sep 22th to Academic Affair’s Office Graduate level: Graduate section (2nd floor) Undergraduate Level: Registrar (1st floor) Professors might use Moodle system for courses. These systems will be activated after you submit the course adding & dropping form to Academic Affair’s Office. PART 2. Adding courses offered by other department Course code Course title Signature of the instructor Signature of the chairman of course offering department PART 3. Dropping courses course which can be dropped via system is not required for filling out this column PART 4. Finish the rest info & get signatures from your department

11 Schedule of NTU system course selection 2017 Fall
Course Adding/Dropping period : Sep system open time: 9:00-23:00 Sep Course Registration Every course will set student number quota, and students can register courses first. Sep Stop courses selected (System will be closed temporarily) STOP selection The system will make selection randomly if too many students select the courses. Sep Course Selection (Keeping on selecting courses) Students can select courses with remain quotas. This stage is on the basis of first forestalls to win. NOTE: NTU&NTNU courses can be selected during this period via the system only, no manual selection. Students can only select their own level of NTU system courses. Every student can select 2 NTU system courses (6 credits) ONLY. If there is same course title both in NTUST and NTU system, then student can only select the course in NTUST.

12 NTU system Course selection The National Taiwan University System (NTUST, NTU, NTNU) Students can only select their own level of NTU system courses. Remember to select right semester

13 Notice for graduate students
Credit requirements each semester: at least 1 course (usually 3 credits, no credits limitation ) Manual operation: Mandarin courses courses at different level E.g. (optional) Physical Education course with 1 credit ONLY. when courses are full online The manual selection should follow the courses selection rules. Teacher may consider of class size, NOT every manual selection will be accepted. You can’t take the following courses: Courses with prerequisites Graduate program courses M6, M4 and M2 (for EMBA only) Course code starts with EP Two courses with same course title Time conflict course (If time conflict occurs, all conflicted courses will NOT be recognized. The courses will be cancelled without notice.)

14 NTU system courses: select 2 courses (6 credits) ONLY
select courses only via NTUST system courses offered by the NTU system only cannot select different level If there is same course title in NTU system, student can only select the course in NTUST

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