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Controlled Vocabularies and Coordinate Reference Systems

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1 Controlled Vocabularies and Coordinate Reference Systems

2 What is a vocabulary? A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge.

3 Why use controlled vocabs?
Divided by a common language

4 Why use controlled vocabs?
Remove ambiguity Support terms with explicit definitions Publish on the web Resource for all Make explicit the implicit!

5 MEDIN & Controlled Vocabs
Where do MEDIN use controlled vocabs? Data Guidelines and Discovery Metadata Standard How to access the MEDIN vocabularies?

6 Example – Platform types
Populates the platformType field in Detailed Metadata in Data Guidelines

7 Availability through website

8 NVS2 Vocabulary client Instruments, platforms, sea areas, geometries etc

9 MEDIN Keywords Keywords describe certain aspects of your dataset
MEDIN recommends “SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary” – P02

10 SeaDataNet hierarchies
Parameter relationships and discovery How best to choose your P02 term? Can use

11 NVS2 Vocab Service: Hosted at BODC. Manual search link is:
Uses Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) concepts to build URLs: Format is: Example: Fully computer readable. Output in XML

12 Other Useful Vocabularies

13 How to add? E-mail Sean Gaffney
- check with appropriate governance group.

14 Knowing where a measurement or observation occurs is critical!
Coordinate Reference Systems Knowing where a measurement or observation occurs is critical! Are the following numbers enough to provide precise positions of sampled data? The data were sampled at , The data came from an area 6 miles from the lighthouse, bearing 245 degrees The data are from 54 degrees 10’ 45’’ North, 3 degrees 30’ 20’’ West

15 Coordinate Reference Systems Coordinates define a position unambiguously only when the reference system that those coordinates are part of has been identified! LATITUDE and LONGITUDE are NOT UNIQUE!

16 Coordinate Reference Systems What is a CRS? This is a coordinate system which is referenced to the earth based on a datum. OGP, 2007, Surveying and Positioning Guidance note 1

17 Where is the Eiffel Tower? Coordinates: 48°51’29’’N, 2°17’40’’E
Coordinate Reference Systems Where is the Eiffel Tower? Coordinates: 48°51’29’’N, 2°17’40’’E OGP, 2007, Surveying and Positioning Guidance note 1

18 Coordinate Reference Systems – implications! Platform drilling . Meridional grid wrongly applied in directional software. 12 dry wells dug. Loss of capital expenditure of $2 million. Reputation damage. New program of work needed Construction. Proposed position for new subsea manifold issued on ED50 datum. Contractor assumed positions in WGS-84 and drilled in wrong place. Resulted in fine of $500,000, reputational damage and contract dispute between contract parties

19 Practical Aim – to familiarise yourself with different controlled vocabularies Navigate to the MEDIN webpage for controlled vocabularies 2) Find: An area code for the Irish Sea (use commonly used MEDIN vocabulary) The AphiaID for UK species ‘Mytilus edulis’ (use MSBIAS) Code for the horizontal coordinate reference system WGS 84 [2D geographic, world] (use EPSG) The code, vocabulary name and associated date for a Keyword for “Man-made Structure” WIN AN AMAZING PRIZE 

20 Answers a)1_4 (using SeaVoX gazeteer)
[be careful of code19 using SeaDataNet sea areas or other codes!] * b)140480 c) EPSG: 4326 d) MMST SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary date last modified * - SeaVoX, not SeaDataNet sea areas, is the agreed MEDIN vocabulary for water bodies

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