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The circulatory system- main

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Presentation on theme: "The circulatory system- main"— Presentation transcript:

1 The circulatory system- main
Goal is to get dissolved Nutrients , gasses and waste In and out of body cells.

2 The heart – muscular, 4 Chambered pump.


4 The top 2 chambers of the Heart are the atria (atrium) They receive blood Right Atrium receives deoxygenated Blood from body Left atrium receives oxygenated Blood from lungs

5 Left atrium RIGHT ATRIUM

6 Deoxygenated blood enters the
Heart through a HUGE vein The Vena Cava into right atrium

7 The bottom chambers of the Heart are the pumping Ventricles.
Right ventricle pumps blood To the lungs to get Oxygen Left Ventricle – pumps Oxygenated blood to the Whole body -

8 Left Ventricle RIGHT ventricle

9 Oxygenated blood leaves
The left ventricle through A massive artery the aorta.


11 Please sketch these basic 4
Chambers of the heart. Right Atrium Left atrium Left ventricle Right ventricle

12 Actual Human Heart (Ahhhhhh)

13 Valves are structures that
Prevent the backflow of Blood between chambers.


15 Valves


17 Heart

18 The heart is a hard working
Muscle so it also needs lots of Blood – this blood is supplied Through the coronary blood Vessels.

19 If the coronary blood vessels
Become blocked a _________ May result and bypass surgery Will be necessary.

20 Path of blood flow through heart
Deoxy. Blood enters R. atriunm Through vena cava – R. ventricle Pumps it to lungs – returns with Oxygen to L. atrium and L. vent. Pumps Oxygenated blood to body Through aorta

21 Arteries – carry blood away
From the heart, usually it Is oxygenated. Thick walled And muscular.

22 Veins – carry blood back to The heart – usually de oxy-
-genated. Thin walled, have Valves to prevent backflow.                

23 Varicose Veins Causes – Bad valves In veins, Weight, Job

24 Capillaries – Tiny blood vess-
- els That are the site for Exchange with the cells.

25 Blood consists of a fluid
Called plasma, which Contains red & white blood Cells and platelets.

26 Materials are exchanged with
The body cells through Capillaries by the process Of ______________ ?????


28 Red blood cells (rbc’s)
– transport Materials to and from the Bodies cells.(Gasses, waste And nutrients).

29 Red Blood cells contain a red
Pigment = hemoglobin to help Carry oxygen

30 Rbc’s – take oxygen and Nutrients in to cells and CO2 And wastes out. They are produced in bone Marrow.            

31 White blood cells – many Different types, basic job is
To fight off foreign substanc- -es in the blood.

32 Lymphocytes type of WBC’s
includes B cells Which release antibodies And T cells which directly Fight foreign substances at The site of infection.

33 Platelets – small cell frag-
-ments that clot the blood.

34 Actual platlets clotting real
Human blood (oooohhhh)

35 Lack of platelets is ___?___
Hemophelia – most Hemopheliacs die of???

36 Antigen – any substance
In your blood (bad thing) That causes antibody Production – this is known As the immune response

37 Immunity – bodies ability to
Resist a specific disease. Active immunity – occurs When you get the disease Produce antibodies, protected For life. Ex. = chicken pox

38 Vaccine – you are injected
With a small amount of the Disease and the body Produces antibodies. Passive immunity – receive Antibodies from anothers Blood. Temporary. Ex.= Snake bite serum from horse

39 Allergies – exposure to a
Substance causes immune Response such as sneezing Coughing, watery eyes etc. Histamine = substance that The body releases which Causes the allergic response Of sneezing etc.


41 White cells are produced in Bone marrow and lymph Nodes.

42 Intracellular fluid = ICF –
All body cells are surrounded By a fluid which comes from Extra plasma called ICF. Diffusion of materials to the Cells occurs through ICF.

43 ICF is drained and “cleaned”
By the lymph nodes and Lymphatic system. Lymph nodes- phagocytotic White blood cells filter the Lymph or ICF and clean out Bacteria and dead cells.

44 Lymph Nodes

45 Disorders Coronary thrombosis = heart Attack – blocked coronary Arteries. High blood pressure or hyper -tension – most common Disorder, can lead to anurism

46 Causes fatigue, iron in the Diet will help. Leukemia – abnormal white
Anemia – lack of RBC’s Causes fatigue, iron in the Diet will help. Leukemia – abnormal white Blood cells. HIV / AIDS – breakdown of the Immune system.attacks WBC’s And their disease fighting ability

47 Sickle Cell anemia – red blood
Cells are misshapen – like the Grim reapers sickle. RBC’s – cant move through Blood vessels properly – great Pain – even can cause death.

48 Blood Pressure – the force
With which blood presses Against the artery walls. 120/80 is ok for adult men Women are lower due to Estrogen which makes Blood vessels more elastic.

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