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Watford Football Club, Vicarage Road Watford, WD18 0ER

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1 Watford Football Club, Vicarage Road Watford, WD18 0ER
Visit YOUR FUTURE FAIR 2011 between pm – 4pm – Young People aged pm – 8.30pm – Young People aged 13-19 Wednesday 19th October 2011 Watford Football Club, Vicarage Road Watford, WD18 0ER


3 Do you want to know more about the options available to you?
Would you like support in making decisions about your future learning and career opportunities? Do you want to know more about GCSEs, A Levels, BTECs, Foundation Learning, College Courses and Apprenticeships? If you have answered YES to any of these questions… Visit YOUR FUTURE FAIR 2011

4 YOUR FUTURE FAIR 2011 will be held at Watford Football Club on Wednesday 19th October 2011
Parents/Carers Welcome Free Admission Flyers are in school now!

5 There will be representatives from a wide variety of local and national businesses and organisations to talk to you about the skills, qualities and qualifications they value There will also be representatives from local colleges, universities along with apprenticeships All of this information, advice and guidance will help you to be better prepared for work when the time comes… More importantly it will help you gain the knowledge you need when making subject choices

6 Do you have aspirations for a specific career path?
Please think about what stage you are at within education now… Are you thinking about Key Stage 4 Options, and need advice on which route to follow? Are you thinking about what to do for post 16 studies and which learning pathway is right for you? Or are you thinking about University or whether to go into the world of work? Whatever stage, there will be somebody at Your Future Fair 2011 who can advise you to get a better understanding of how to reach your goal. Use this as an opportunity to learn about the courses available to you, including GCSEs, A Levels, BTECs, Foundation Learning, College Courses & Apprenticeships.

7 Morrisby Profile – Psychometric Skills and Abilities Test
A series of presentations about Learning Pathways are available to attend throughout the event. 2.00pm pm The following Presentations will be available to attend. Sign up for these Presentations on the day. Apprenticeships University of Hertfordshire - All you need to know about Student Finance Morrisby Profile – Psychometric Skills and Abilities Test 5.00pm pm The following Presentations will be available every half hour to attend. Sign up for these Presentations on the day. 6.00pm - There will be a presentation on Morrisby Profiling Sign up for this Presentation on the day. “Morrisby Profile is a Psychometric test relating skills and abilities with course and careers choices.” 7.00pm There will also be a presentation from Watford Football Club Sign up for this Presentation on the day. “Watford Football Club Community Sports and Education Trust Staff – Careers in Football”

8 Extra Workshop - Year 12 & 13 Students
Your First Interview has partnered with the South West Hertfordshire SAPG to deliver two interview workshops at Your Future Fair 2011. Lead by a team of professionals the workshops are fun, interactive, and memorable. Students leave the workshops feeling more confident and prepared for the challenges ahead of them. Workshops will cover CV writing, understanding the recruitment process, and interview role plays. A great opportunity not to be missed for any student seeking employment in the near future. To book students on to one of the workshops during Your Future Fair 2011, please Maria-Cristina at for further details. Workshop 1: 2pm - 3pm Workshop 2: 3pm - 4pm Limited spaces available! Booking will be on a first come first serve basis

9 Exhibitors Include… Plus many more…

10 If you want to talk to someone to help you make sense of the information you will receive that event then there will be Personal Advisers from Youth Connexions Hertfordshire on hand to talk to you.

11 This event is free to attend!
Please put YOUR FUTURE FAIR 2011 in your diary now! Wednesday 19th October 2011 2.00pm pm 5.00pm pm Watford Football Club Vicarage Road Watford, WD18 0ER For enquiries contact Maria-Cristina Geraci on

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