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There is more than environmental problems in our world

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Presentation on theme: "There is more than environmental problems in our world"— Presentation transcript:

1 There is more than environmental problems in our world

2 Anyone of us knows pictures like these…

3 …or these

4 …and we can‘t emagine how things like these can happen

5 …but we also know pictures like these…

6 …or these…

7 …and these: Poverty in underdeveloped countries

8 People here have other concerns than environment protection:
The orange parts are countries with shrinking woods

9 …and the red, brown and yellow ones are underdeveloped countries, most of the parts are the same…

10 …countries with a high rate of infectious diseases
For example cholera… …or HIV

11 …people without a job … Unemployment in the world
… and no school education

12 …those countries are poor…
(Increasing debts in underdevelped countries) …and life is not as safe as in our countries.

13 So people are not able to fight against the pollution, that is partly caused by the industrial nations …and want to get cheap raw materials, like the copper from this mine in Africa We transport our waste to those countries…

14 …or cheap clothes and bio fuel.

15 There is no fair trade and people live in poverty
Children have to work, to keep the family alive: In Asia and Africa 87 % of children have to work.

16 There is no power and no possibility to fight against environmental pollution and industrial suppression.

17 And not to forget: corruption and greed
There are poor countries with a bigger budget for military purposes than for education

18 With all these pictures in mind we might look at in in a different light.

19 … and feel ashamed looking at all these products we throw away without thinking.


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