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Communication Technology I

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1 Communication Technology I

2 Essential Question: What is the purpose of safety in the Lab?
I will be able to explain the importance of communication in our technological society

3 Essential Question: What is the purpose of safety in the Lab?
BELLWORK: Read America’s Most Common Workplace Injury (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) Explain what the author is saying and why is it important for you to know. Remember 1 paragraph (4-6 sentences) Check spelling, grammar and punctuation! Safety Exam Finalizing Rough Draft I will be able to explain the importance of communication in our technological society

4 Key Terms I will be able to explain the importance of communication in our technological society Machine guards: Metal or plastic enclosures that cover moving machine parts and protect the operator from bing cut, squashed, or hit by flying fragments. Nip points: the point of contact where two cylinders, gears, or rollers meet or come close to one another Barrier guards: machine guards that can be hinged or moved. Lockout devices: a key or combination type lock used to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position to prevent the machine from energizing. Tagout device – a prominent warning device securely fastened to an energy isolating device, to indicate that electrical power is off and must remain off until the tag is removed. Toxic substance: a poisonous substance. Personal prot3ective devices: Clothing or equipment worn for protection from potential bodily injury associated with chemical use or machine operation Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Toxic substances contained in blanket or roller washes, fountain solutions, plate cleaners, glaze removers, degreasers, and film cleaners. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) a document, produced by a chemical manufacturer, that summarizes the physical properties of a particular chemical and the health and safety hazards associated with its sue. Spontaneous combustion: Ignition by rapid oxidation without an eternal heat source.

5 Key Terms I will be able to explain the importance of communication in our technological society Commercial printing: A segment of the graphic communications industry that produces various products for customers, including forms, newspaper inserts, and catalogs. Quick Printing: A subdivision of commercial printing, consisting of shops specializing in rapidly completing short-run printing and photocopying work for customers. Relief Printing: the oldest method of printing, and requires a raised image. Ink is spread on the raised image areas, and transferred to paper by direct pressure.

6 What’s next: Safety Test Preparation
EQ: : Explain the basic differences among the following printing processes: relief printing, planography, intaglio process, porous printing, and impactless printing. Exit Ticket Give me five special jargon words used in Graphic Communication. What’s next: Safety Test Preparation

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