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Hormones regulate the human body functions

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Presentation on theme: "Hormones regulate the human body functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hormones regulate the human body functions

2 Hormones Hormones are chemicals secreted by glands in the body.
Different hormones affect different target organs. The bloodstream transports hormones from the glands to the target organs. Bodily reactions to hormones are usually slower and longer lasting than nervous reactions.


4 Hormones produced by glands and their target organs
ovary oestrogen ovaries, uterus progesterone uterus pancreas insulin liver testes testosterone male reproductive organs

5 Sex hormones Changes occur at puberty because of sex hormones produced by the testes in boys, and the ovaries in girls. Changes that happen to both boys and girls: pubic hair grows and underarm hair grows Changes that happen to boys only: voice breaks - gets deeper hair grows on face and body body becomes more muscular testes and penis get bigger testes start to produce sperm cells Changes that happen to girls only: hips get wider breasts develop ovaries start to release egg cells - periods start Fertility in humans can be controlled by the artificial use of sex hormones, including contraceptive pills and fertility drugs.

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