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Geographic Factors Influenced European Exploration and settlement in North and South America Level 1.

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1 Geographic Factors Influenced European Exploration and settlement in North and South America
Level 1

2 Vocabulary Mother Country: a country that created a colony
Colony: a group of people who leave their mother country to start a new settlement but are still under the rule of the mother country Explorer: someone who investigates a new area NW Passage: a sea route connecting Europe to Asia by connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean Mayflower Compact: made by the Pilgrims as an agreement of government Missionary: a person sent by a church to spread the faith of the church

3 Essential Questions How did weather and natural hazards affect the explorers? What are the similarities between settlement locations? What are the similarities and differences between “New England”, “New France”, “New Netherland”, and “New Spain”?

4 Effects of weather and natural hazards on the Atlantic crossings
Diseases on ships led to a high death rate Lack of food and clean water led to disease and malnutrition Atlantic Ocean has more violent stroms than the Mediterranean Sea that led to the sinking of ships Landing proved difficult because of the lack of knowledge of the sea floor and led the ships to be damaged Ships leaked in water and some sank Weather such as hurricanes and tropical storms destroyed or damaged ships

5 Characteristics of physical environments where different Europeans settled
New England Hills with rocky soil Natural resources: fish, whales, trees, furs Cold climate short growling season Settled next to waterways New France Settled near waterways Temperate to arctic climate short growing season Natural resources: beaver, fish, trees Mostly Plains New Netherland Short winters Fertile soil Mountains, island and coastal plain Natural Resources: fish, timber, beaver New Spain Tropical to desert climate High, rugged mountains, low coastal plains, high plateaus, desert, islands New England map: New France map: Spain: New England info: New France info: New Netherland: New Spain info:

6 The Development of “New England”
Massachusetts: Original purpose: Religious Freedom for the Puritans Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower Signed the Mayflower Compact Education was important in order to read the bible Rhode Island: Roger Williams, kicked out of Massachusetts Bay, started Rhode Island Wanted separation of church and state and religious freedom Connecticut: settled by Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonists in the 1630’s New Hampshire: was settled in 1679 Economy: fishing, ship building and fur trading All were English Colonies It is ironic that religious freedom was the purpose of the settlement of New England because it was rarely provided to others as they settled there in the future

7 The Development of “New France”
Exploration of Cartier Exploration of Champlain Cartier: Champlain:

8 The Development of “New France”
Why did the explorers come? To find a trade route to Asia as well as gold and gems Who came to New France to colonize? Soldiers : came to build forts and protect against the Iroquois and then stayed Catholics: Jesuits: Roman Catholic priests who set up schools for boys and converted Natives to Catholicism Fur Traders: Traded furs with the Indians Farmers: owners of land granted to them by the King Filles du Rois: mostly orphan girls were sent to encourage marriage for the large male population Slaves: mostly Natives but also Africans Territory: Eventually stretched to what is now Canada to New Orleans, Louisiana Info:

9 The Development of “New Netherland”
Why did they come? To find the NW Passage to Asia; Hudson sailed up the Hudson River to Albany and claimed the area for the Dutch East India Co. Who came? Dutch West India Co. was founded and sent 30 families to what is now Manhattan to settle there and New Amsterdam was created (now New York City) Economy: Focused on the fur trade but eventually moved to food, timber, tobacco and the slave trade after the Dutch West India Co. gave up its claim to the area Taken over by the English Info: Be careful of the Hudson link because there are advertisements on before it. When I put it in, it was for one of the jackass movies. Please be aware that you will need to register for in order to use the Hudson, Dutch West India Co. and New Amsterdam links. It is a free registration at this point.

10 The Development of “New Spain”
Why did Spain come? Gold, silver, convert Natives to Catholicism, land Who came? Families, adventurers and Catholic missionaries Explorers: De Soto De Leon Coronado Balboa Pizarro Cortez Economy: sugar plantations and mining, farming, ranching Colonized to protect their land claims

11 Essential Questions How did weather and natural hazards affect the explorers? What are the similarities between settlement locations? What are the similarities and differences between “New England”, “New France”, “New Netherland”, and “New Spain”?

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