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T&D Direct Ship and Trans-Only Process Flow

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1 June 11, 2018 - For Internal Clean Harbors Training Use Only - Company Confidential

2 T&D Direct Ship and Trans-Only Process Flow
People and Technology Creating a Better Environment August 2007

3 Objective and Definitions
Provide CSR’s, FSR’s, FAM’s, Apollo Managers, Account Managers and GM’s with the knowledge of how the Direct Ship system is managed within the Clean Harbors network. What is a Direct Ship in Clean Harbors Terminology Transportation of waste or product where the materials are being shipped on a manifest or bill of lading from a Clean Harbor’s customer and manifested directly to a third party (non-CHES) facility. Materials manifested as above but shipping through the truck to truck system. Transportation of waste or product from a customer to a third party (non-CHES) facility where no disposal is being invoiced is considered a TRANS-ONLY job and is also handled as a direct ship.

4 What Is Not a Direct Ship
Direct Ship and Trans-Only jobs require a BOL or manifest to be received in the system by the DIRECT SHIP group. Jobs where no manifests or BOLs are created need to be managed outside of the direct ship/trans only system. Below are examples of jobs that are not Direct Ships: Materials manifested to or from a Clean Harbors facility Material getting moved within the same generator code Materials or products delivered without a BOL or manifest Container or Equipment drops (these can be invoiced on a direct ship order) Office Trash, Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) not contaminated with chemicals or industrial waste of any kind. (No manifest or BOL needed to ship) Cylinder returns where no new manifest or BOL is generated. “Thank you for the opportunity to present to you today. During our meeting we would like to accomplish the following objectives…” [Now, state the objectives as outlined in your slide.]

5 Direct Ship Team Objectives
Create Direct Ship and Trans-Only quotes while ensuring certain criteria set forth by management are met. Establish PeopleSoft trans and disposal items for one time general tasks Provide support to the field for General Tasks for direct ships. Generate direct ship/trans-only sales orders and associated PO’s. (Umbrella tasks added locally) Schedule 3rd party transportation and disposal as requested Acquire necessary paperwork needed to invoice customers. (When CHES handles transportation, it is the responsibility of the local coordinator to ensure the manifests/bol’s, weight tickets and any other pertinent PPW are scanned) Receive manifests or BOL’s into 3rd party facilities. Adjust purchase orders to match incoming vendor invoices. Process vendor invoices for payment. Acquire credits from vendors as needed.(Canada case by case. N/A in Quebec) Provide the billers instruction on how to invoice sales orders. SS umbrella invoicing will not be managed by Direct Ship team. Manage Direct Ship orders and relay any pertinent information to the field.

6 Direct Ship vs General Bulk Direct Ship Task
If a waste stream is shipping one-time as part of an umbrella order, create a General Task. A PIF and/or TIF does not need to be created. After the disposal profile is approved by Outbound Disposal, provide Direct Ships with the vendor ID, cost, UOM and disposal min cost. Direct Ships will then set the item up in PeopleSoft which will allow you to proceed with your quote. If a waste stream is shipping more than once, have the direct ship team generate a direct ship quote by submitting a Direct Ship Quote Form. Once the quote is a WIN, sales orders can continuously be generated from the quote without having to re-enter information in the system. With Direct Ships, TIFs do not need to be submitted. Please scan the vendor’s trans quote in the system under the disposal profile # that is shipping. Then Direct Ships with the cost, VID, vehicle type, and fuel rate. PeopleSoft item will then be established so you can pull the cost into the quote and cut PO’s as needed. Direct Ship/Trans-Only sales orders need to be generated by the direct ship team. Direct ship/Trans-Only under umbrella orders can be created locally.

7 When does a Quote Form need to be Created
Presentation of formal profile specific or waste class code specific quote to the customer Formally enter into WIN a quote for business that was won on a contract bid or a quote that was word processed locally. Create a direct ship or trans-only quote for streams covered by Contract Pricing Generate a Direct Ship or Trans-Only sales order. Add a re-occurring direct ship/trans only task to an existing Umbrella Order.

8 Quoting Guidelines All Direct Ship quotes are to be created by DIRECT SHIP group UNLESS IT IS A ONE-TIME FS PROJECT. One time FS Projects can be handled as a general task (not Direct Shipment to 3rd Party task) if part of an umbrella order. All Trans-Only quotes are to be generated by Direct Ship team without exception. (Umbrella included) Direct Ship and Trans-Only quotes generated outside the Direct Ship group or without prior approval may be deleted/recycled. ALL PROFILE APPROVALS FOR DIRECT SHIPS NEED TO GO THROUGH OUTBOUND DISPOSAL AND NOT CPG. CPG does not approve profiles destined for third-party disposal facilities. VENDOR PRICING MUST BE SCANNED FOR OUTBOUND TO APPROVE ANY PROFILE!!!!! If a profile has yet to be approved, a ballpark quote based on the waste class code can be created by the DIRECT SHIP group. A new quote will be generated once a profile is approved by Outbound Disposal and may need to be signed again by the customer. Direct ship quotes based on an approved profile need to be generated before a sales order can be cut. SALES ORDERS CANNOT BE GENERATED FROM BALLPARK QUOTES.

9 Direct Ship Quote Form Direct Ship Quote form and the Direct Ship Trans Only quote forms need to be submitted to the DIRECT SHIP group for quotes to get created. The forms are located under FORMS on the CHES portal page under the Field Operations section. They can be easily located as they are the 17th and 18th forms from the bottom of the list. Many fields are required to do the most basic of quotes and cannot be omitted. The forms allow all this information to be in one place and allow the DIRECT SHIP team to complete the quotes as quickly and as accurately as possible. MISSING KEY PIECES SUCH AS COST/SELL /PROFILE/ /VEHICLE TYPE/DISPATCH LOCATION WILL ONLY SLOW DOWN THE PROCESS. During the monthly close, please send a side to DIRECT SHIPS if the quote is urgent. Generally quote requests are disregarded until after the close unless a urgent need exists. One time General Tasks require costs to be established in PeopleSoft. Once the disposal profile is approved by Outbound Disposal, please DIRECT SHIPS with the profile number, VID, cost, UOM and min info so we can create the items. Trans item requests will also require profile number (unless trans only), cost, VID, vehicle type, and fuel rate. SUBMITTING A TIF OR PIF WILL ONLY SLOW DOWN THE PROCESS.

10 Quote Notes Direct ship and Trans-Only quotes are not linked to Contract Pricing. Any changes entered into Contract Pricing need to be communicated to the DIRECT SHIP group so existing direct ship quotes can be updated. The direct ship system can currently support one disposal profile per quote. If a waste stream or product is shipping with other waste streams on the same BOL or manifest, please make a note in section at the bottom of the quote form title “Other Pertinent Information”. If multiple profiles are shipping on the same BOL or manifest on an umbrella order, a drum task must be used whether or not the material is shipping in drums. All sell pricing needs to be entered into contract pricing for these tasks and disposal lines to be created. They must be entered on the same task. Direct ship or trans-only quotes that need to have multiple disposal profiles or multiple disposal facilities on the same quote need to be word processed on the local level. If these word processed quotes are won, direct ship quotes will still be needed to generate sales orders. If the recovery rate for the quote is different than the rate in Beacon, approval will be needed from the Recovery and Haz-Fee distribution list before the quote is approved. DO NOT SUBMIT A TIF FOR DIRECT SHIPS. Direct Ship team can create the item as requested. TIFs will only slow down the process.

11 Trans-Only Notes ALLOWING FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS SHIPPED ON A BOL OR MANIFEST TO AN UNAPPROVED FACILITY IS AGAINST CHES POLICY. Trans-only jobs included. Punishments from a written warning up to termination can be assessed to violators. This is for both waste and materials for recycle. Due to liability reasons, any waste or product being shipped to a non-CHES approved facility, EVEN IF TRANS-ONLY, will require an indemnification form to be signed by the customer and approved by Compliance. Please contact the DIRECT SHIP group to see which indemnification form is needed. Trans-Only quotes to non-CHES approved facilities may not happen quickly. This process at times is not immediate and may take several business days to complete. Compliance may make the decision that it is not in Clean Harbor’s best interest to transport the waste/product. The Approved-Disposal-Vendor list is located under Compliance in the Support Center on the CHES Portal Page. TIF’S DO NOT NEED TO BE CREATED FOR TRANS ONLY JOBS. Direct ship team will create PeopleSoft items when creating the quote.

12 Quote Notes Continued When quotes do not meet certain criteria, GM or RVP approval will be needed for the quote to be approved. Some of the criteria include: Job Margin < 15% Hourly Transportation Rates Wrapped T&D pricing No demurrage or pumptime sell Demurrage time allowed > 1 hour and/or less than $65/hr. Taxes wrapped in sell price

13 Generating Sales Orders
ALL DIRECT SHIP AND TRANS ONLY SALES ORDERS ARE TO BE CREATED BY THE DIRECT SHIP GROUP *unless part of an umbrella order s can be sent to DIRECT SHIPS requesting sales orders or changes to existing sales orders. Please do not send a request to individuals within the group. This will ensure that requests are processed in a timely manner. Following slides will have some sample requests. Please specify if it is a direct ship or a trans only job and what PO types are needed. DIRECT SHIPS can schedule T&D or you can schedule them yourself. If scheduling yourself, please ensure the PO’s are provided to the vendors. If direct ship tasks are added to an umbrella order, one disposal and one trans PO (if necessary) is to be created PER LOAD, unless okayed by Direct Ships.

14 T&D Coordination If CHES is going to do the transportation, please work with your local logistics coordinator in scheduling transportation. DIRECT SHIP team will not schedule CHES transportation but can schedule 3rd party transportation as requested. DIRECT SHIPS can schedule disposal if requested for CHES or 3rd party transported orders. Please provide a disposal slot time frame for us to schedule. Some disposal facilities have specific time slots. Others are first come, first served or first come, first served with prior notification. If requesting DIRECT SHIPS to schedule a third-party transporter, please provide a preferred pick-up time. If you are scheduling a disposal slot, please relay the slot time to DIRECT SHIPS so any demurrage is not invoiced improperly.

15 Sales Order Requests Sales order requests require the following info:
Gen Code (WIN ID) Profile and/or quote number Transporter Destination facility Type(s) of PO needed. IE: Disposal, Transportation, Tankwash, Rollclean, Tanker Rental Pick-up and delivery dates Customer’s PO number Roll-off container number, if necessary If a roll-off is shipping, please communicate where the container needs to be tracked after disposal (e.g., Please move the container to DXGENERIC). All containers shipping on direct ship or trans only orders need to be moved by the DIRECT SHIP group. This ensures the container can be merged properly and received against the sales order. Containers moved to a different container order cannot be received against a prior container order. Disposal slot time if scheduled locally

16 Sales Order Request where T&D is scheduled locally

17 Sales Order Request Where Direct Ships schedules T&D
-----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wednesday, May 24, :43 PM To: Direct Ships Subject: Noramco NOR5182 Noramco in Athens, GA would like to schedule a tanker of their mixed solvents to Holly Hill for Tuesday 5/30 of next week. We aren't going to be able to provide trans for this one. profile PQ H. Please cut a D0 order for this. delivering around 3-4 usually works. Customer Service Representative Clean Harbors Environmental Tucker, GA ph ph x6569 fx

18 Profile approval and pricing entered into PeopleSoft e-mail example
-----Original Message----- From: Potter, Harry Sent: Thursday, August 09, :59 PM To: Outbound Disposal; Direct ships Subject: Please approve profile and set up in PeopleSoft Profile: DS for gen PI0644 to Uniwaste UN2651 link to Uniwaste in Peoplesoft : VID 54268 cost lb Min cost $100 thanks

19 Communication is the Key
Once a sales order is created, DIRECT SHIPS will manage sales orders and any associated purchase orders. It is imperative that any changes to the orders are relayed to the DIRECT SHIP group. The DIRECT SHIP group will accumulate all paperwork needed to receive the manifests/BOLs into the third-party facilities, adjust purchase orders, pay vendor invoices, and instruct the biller to create the invoices per the quote. INACCURATE QUOTES WILL LEAD TO INACCURATE INVOICES. Changes to the order not relayed to the DIRECT SHIP group will result in inaccurate invoicing. Direct ship sales orders are not previewed unless special circumstances arise. Please make sure that any extra charges or changes are communicated to the group so the jobs can be invoiced correctly the first time. Some examples of changes may be: Disposal date change Please bill an additional $$$ for something that is not quoted Please bill less $$$$ than quoted because Please add an addition load to sales order DX Load has been cancelled Load has been rejected CHES did not have an available vehicle and the load has been subbed to …. Load was frozen and had to be dug out at a cost of $$$ and a sell of $$$$

20 Direct Ship Group Contacts
Scott Hutchinson: Sr. Direct Ship Administrator Lauren Coyne: Direct Ship Administrator (10AM to 7PM) Nicole Bauer: Direct Ship Administrator Michelle O’Keefe: Direct Ship Administrator (7AM-4PM) Shayne Martin: Direct Ship Administrator(11AM-8PM) Scott Sullivan: Director of Outbound Disposal Services Outbound Disposal Hotline: AM-7PM M-TH, 8AM-6PM on Fri. 7AM-8PM M-F

21 Examples Below is a list of umbrella order tasks that have been managed correctly and can be used as a model for creating new orders. ME 2C NJ SY FS G

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