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Quantum computing and the entanglement frontier

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1 Quantum computing and the entanglement frontier
John Preskill Caltech Board of Trustees 31 October 2015



4 Quantum Information Science
Planck Quantum Information Science quantum theory + computer science + information theory quantum information science Turing Shannon

5 Caltech and Information Science
Nanotechnology: “There’s plenty of room at the bottom.” Feynman Mead Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI): Paradigms for the semiconductor industry. Computation & Neural Systems (CNS): How does the brain compute? Hopfield

6 Frontiers of Physics short distance long distance complexity
Higgs boson Neutrino masses Supersymmetry Quantum gravity String theory Large scale structure Cosmic microwave background Dark matter Dark energy Gravitational waves “More is different” Many-body entanglement Phases of quantum matter Quantum computing Quantum spacetime

7 ??? Quantum Supremacy!

8 Shell Game

9 Shell Game

10 Shell Game

11 Shell Game

12 Shell Game

13 Shell Game 1 2 3 When the Gorilla give thumbs up, and you look under Cup Number 1, you always find the ball.

14 Shell Game ? 1 2 3 What if the Gorilla gives thumbs up, and you look under Cup Number 2?

15 (Classical) Shell Game
When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 1, you always find ball. ? When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 2, you find the ball ... Always Never Sometimes

16 (Classical) Shell Game
When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 1, you always find ball. When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 2, you find the ball ... Always Never Sometimes

17 (Quantum) Shell Game ? Always Never Sometimes
When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 1, you always find ball. ? When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 2, you find the ball ... Always Never Sometimes

18 (Quantum) Shell Game A. Always B. Never C. Sometimes
When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 1, you always find ball. When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 2, you find the ball ... A. Always B. Never C. Sometimes

19 (Quantum) Shell Game Secret of the Quantum Gorilla:
Before deciding whether to give thumbs up, he checks the cups collectively, rather than one at a time.

20 Quantum entanglement ….
This Page Blank …. Nearly all the information in a typical entangled “quantum book” is encoded in the correlations among the “pages”. You can't access the information if you read the book one page at a time.

21 To describe 300 quantum bits (e. g
To describe 300 quantum bits (e.g., atoms), we would need more numbers than the number of atoms in the visible universe!

22 Caltech Course : Potentialities and Limitations of Computing Machines “Nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical.”

23 What’s in here? Problems Quantumly Hard Quantumly Easy
Classically Easy What’s in here?

24 (Maybe. We don’t actually know for sure.)
particle collision molecular chemistry entangled electrons A quantum computer can simulate efficiently any physical process that occurs in Nature. (Maybe. We don’t actually know for sure.) superconductor black hole early universe

25 Decoherence Environment ( ) ( )

26 Environment Quantum Computer Decoherence To avoid errors, we must prevent the environment from “learning” about the state of the quantum computer during the computation. ERROR!

27 Quantum error correction
This Page Blank …. Environment The protected “logical” quantum information is encoded in a highly entangled state of many physical qubits. The environment can't access this information if it interacts locally with the protected system.

28 Kitaev’s magic trick: sawing an electron in half!

29 Alexei Kitaev Jason Alicea Gil Refael

30 Institute for Quantum Information (IQI): Postdoc Alumni
Eddy Ardonne Nordita Salman Beigi IPM Robin Blume-Kohout Sandia Sougato Bose UC London Sergio Boixo Google Sergey Bravyi IBM Darrick Chang ICFO Andrew Childs Maryland Andrew Doherty Sydney Luming Duan Michigan Omar Fawzi ENS Lyon Lukasz Fidkowski Stony Brook Steve Flammia Sydney Alexei Gorshkov NIST David Gossett IBM Sean Hallgren Penn State Patrick Hayden Stanford Liang Jiang Yale Stephen Jordan NIST Liang Kong Tsinghua Robert Koenig Munich Debbie Leung Waterloo Netanel Lindner Technion Yi-Kai Liu NIST Ashwin Nayak Waterloo Stefano Pironio Brussels David Poulin Sherbrooke Robert Raussendorf UBC Ben Reichardt USC Norbert Schuch Aachen Yaoyun Shi Michigan Kirill Shtengel UC Riverside Kristan Temme IBM Barbara Terhal Aachen Frank Verstraete Vienna Guifre Vidal Perimeter Ling Wang Beijing Stephanie Wehner Delft Pawel Wocjan UCF Shengyu Zhang Hong Kong 40 former IQI postdocs hold faculty positions (or the equivalent). 18 US, 5 Canada, 10 Europe, 3 Asia, 2 Australia, 2 Middle East.


32 entanglement frontier!
Challenging the entanglement frontier! Quantum Information Quantum Matter Surface-spin Quantum Optics Mechanical Quantum Systems 1 atom

33 Jason Alicea, 2012 Quantum Matter Theory (Physics) David Hsieh, 2012 Quantum Matter Experiment (Physics) Andre Faraon, 2012 Quantum Optics Experiment (Applied Physics) Xie Chen, 2014 Quantum Matter Theory (Physics) Thomas Vidick, 2014 Quantum Information Theory (Computer Science) Manuel Endres, 2016 Quantum Optics Experiment (Physics) Fernando Brandão, 2016 Quantum Information Theory (Physics) Stevan Nadj-Perge, 2016 Quantum Matter Experiment (Applied Physics)

34 IQIM Annual Retreat

IQIM quantum animations in collaboration with Jorge Cham of PHD Comics. Over 1 million views so far!

36 Unveiling the qCraft mod to MineCraft at MineCon 2013.
qCraft has been downloaded over 3 million times from



39 Holographic Principle
All information inside the room is encoded, in a scrambled form, on the boundary of the room.

40 Holographic Principle
This scrambled encoding may be a quantum error-correcting code. The emergent space inside the room is robust against errors on the walls of the room.

41 Holographic Principle
Quantum entanglement holds space together.

42 Richard Feynman




46 (Quantum) Shell Game A. Always B. Never C. Sometimes
When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 1, you always find ball. When the Gorilla gives thumbs up & you look under Cup Number 2, you find the ball ... A. Always B. Never C. Sometimes

47 From: Robbert Dijkgraaf at the inauguration of Caltech’s Burke Institute.

48 From: Robbert Dijkgraaf at the inauguration of Caltech’s Burke Institute.


50 @IQIM_Caltech

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