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How Transit Agencies Can Plan for Driverless Cars

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Presentation on theme: "How Transit Agencies Can Plan for Driverless Cars"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Transit Agencies Can Plan for Driverless Cars
Lauren Isaac WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, Manager of Sustainable Transportation San Francisco, California


3 Driverless Vehicle Definition
NHTSA defines “Full Self-Driving Automation” as: “designed to perform all safety-critical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip. Such a design anticipates that the driver will provide destination or navigation input, but is not expected to be available for control at any time during the trip.”

4 The Race to Driverless

5 The Race to Driverless Source: Morgan Stanley

6 Driverless Vehicles Today

7 Imagine….

8 Scenario 1…

9 Scenario 2…

10 Potential Future Scenarios

11 Scenarios Comparison Driverless Nightmare Driverless Utopia Safety VMT
GHG Emissions Urban Sprawl Parking Req’ts No Change Roadway Maintenance Low Income Mobility

12 The Potential for Transit…

13 Improved Safety…

14 Reduced Car Ownership…
What if this… …increasingly became this

15 First/last mile solutions
And more… First/last mile solutions More seamless integration with other transportation modes More cost-effective paratransit Decreased labor costs More data available to support planning

16 But…

17 There’s New Competition…

18 Inflexible Policies/Plans
And other challenges… Willingness to Change Workforce Skillset Inflexible Policies/Plans Adoption Speed Pricing Labor Unions

19 What can transit agencies do today?
Incorporate into strategic/long-range plans Update policies to be more flexible Build awareness: educate staff Establish partnerships with private sector Support advancement (testing) of technology

20 Key Presentation Take-Aways
Driverless vehicles are coming soon! Transit service today will not compete with what’s coming Transit agencies have many opportunities to leverage the driverless technology Barriers exist to take advantage of these opportunities

21 Contact Lauren Isaac Phone: Guide: Driving Towards Driverless: A Guide for Government Agencies Blog:

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