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Easy to find things wrong with a car – has some age

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Presentation on theme: "Easy to find things wrong with a car – has some age"— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy to find things wrong with a car – has some age
Especially – if really want a new one 10 years old Has 150,000 miles Paint faded Needs tires Carpet has stains A/C has leak Runs good Good gas mileage Paid for Ample room Can be fixed for very little What’s Right May Outweigh What’s Wrong $28,000

2 Same is True With Churches
Especially – if really want to find problems Not unusual to hear complaint – “What’s wrong with this church…” I don’t get the encouragement I need “People are not friendly…” People there who are hypocrites We need more _________

3 Four of the Seven Churches of Asia Had Some Good in Spite of the Bad
Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7) Pergamos (Rev. 2:12-17) Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-29) Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6) Only one that was so bad – nothing good could be found Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22)

4 The Church At El Bethel Legitimate Complaints Areas need improvement
People are not what ought to be Etc. Things that are good People – are what should be The Church At El Bethel

5 What is Right With this Church

6 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural

7 Is Scriptural Suppose you are part of a church – friendly & encouraging – but glaringly unscriptural … This church is Scriptural: Name (Rom. 16:16) Organization (Phil. 1:1; Acts 20:28) Worship (Acts 2:42; Eph. 5:19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2) Work (1 Tim. 3:15; Eph. 4:16; 1 Tim. 5:16) Teaching (1 Pet. 4:11) Practice (Col.. 3:17; 2 Jno. 9) Being Scriptural is a huge deal (Col. 3:17)

8 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People

9 Has Caring People Christians should be caring people
Members of same body (1 Cor. 12:25) Are family (1 John 3:16) Compassion for one another (1 Pet. 3:8) Love (Phileo) – caring (Heb. 13:1) Love (agape) – seek best (1 Jno. 4:11)

10 Has Caring People Christians should be caring people
This church has caring people There to comfort in time of loss There with food when you’re sick Cards when you are down Come when invited Call and check on you when not there / sick Pray for you by name Offer to help Very forgiving when one corrects wrong

11 Has Caring People Christians should be caring people
This church has caring people Not perfect – but it is a caring group May not always express it as we should But – not a person I would not call upon if need them

12 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People

13 Has Giving People Christians should be giving people
Give into treasury as prospered (1 Cor. 16:1-2) Give liberally (2 Cor. 9:6-7) Give to those in need (Eph. 4:28; 1 Tim. 6:18; 1 Jno. 3:17) Give of our time & talent (Eph. 5:15-16)

14 Has Giving People Christians should be giving people
This church has giving people Contribution has been good Been able pay bld. loan down to $35,000 (approx.) Bld finished $340,000 (borrowed $247,000) Over $100,000 extra payment since 2003 Able to help support 4 men ($1,950 a month) When there is a need – this group has given Thousands – given from individual’s to some need Some gave who didn’t have a lot to give Many who give time, food, etc. share with others

15 Has Giving People Christians should be giving people
This church has giving people There will be some who don’t give as should – can be sure Don’t give much into treasury Gladly receive – not much to give By and large – we are a giving people!

16 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers

17 Has Good Teachers We ought to develop into teachers
After a time – ought to be able to teach (Heb. 5:12-14) Should be able to tell others what learn (2 Tim. 2:2) Great commission given to individuals (Matt. 28:18-20)

18 Has Good Teachers We ought to develop into teachers
This church has hard working teachers Spend hours preparing / writing lessons Work for days making visual aids Put own lessons together without using workbook Delve into resource material to understand the text Work hard at improving as teachers

19 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers Has Good Young People

20 Has Good Young People Christianity & spirituality is for young & teenagers Remember creator in youth (Ecc. 12:1) Enjoy youth – but remember judgment (Ecc. 11:9-10) Most young are not spiritual – Timothy was (Phil. 2:19-21)

21 Has Good Young People Christianity & spirituality is for young & teenagers Many churches have uninterested teens & losing them Hardly come – when do pay little attention Don’t bring a Bible – don’t study More in common with world than with Christians Distant from parents Obvious – little interest in spiritual matters

22 Has Good Young People Christianity & spirituality is for young & teenagers Many churches have uninterested teens & losing them This church has good young people Have respect for parents Speak and talk to others with respect Interested in spiritual matters – open Bibles – take notes Talk to others about spiritual matters Live godly lives

23 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers Has Good Young People Has Conservative People

24 Has Conservative People
Conservative mindset comes from the word Must abide within doctrine of Christ (2 Jno. 9) Mold our lives to fit the gospel (Phil. 1:27) When are conservative – others think strange (1 Pet. 4:4)

25 Has Conservative People
Conservative mindset comes from the word We have a group with conservative mindset We don’t have to constantly fight – looseness (as some churches do) Majority – will agree with teaching against worldliness Majority – agree dancing is wrong (Gal. 5:19-21) Majority – agree social drinking is wrong (1 Pet. 4:3) Majority – will dress modestly (1 Tim. 2:9-10) Majority – understand and support church discipline (1 Cor. 5; 2 Thess. 3) Majority – support truth on MDR (Matt. 19:9)

26 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers Has Good Young People Has Conservative People Has Knowledgeable People

27 Has Knowledgeable People
God’s people ought to know the word Should desire the word & grow (1 Pet. 2:1) Should learn the text in its context (2 Pet. 3:18) Should constantly add to our knowledge (2 Pet. 1:5-10)

28 Has Knowledgeable People
God’s people ought to know the word This church has knowledgeable people Know their Bibles Know text in its context Know Bible periods – timelines Know each book relates to another Know their Bible characters Know truth in contrast to error (how it is refuted)

29 What is Right With this Church
Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers Has Good Young People Has Conservative People Has Knowledgeable People

30 Easy to find things wrong with a car – has some age
Especially – if really want a new one 10 years old Has 150,000 miles Paint faded Needs tires Carpet has stains A/C has leak Runs good Good gas mileage Paid for Ample room Can be fixed for very little What’s Right May Outweigh What’s Wrong $28,000

31 Are there areas that need work?
What is Right With this Church Is this church perfect? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Is Scriptural Has Caring People Has Giving People Has Good Teachers Has Good Young People Has Conservative People Has Knowledgeable People Are there areas that need work? WITHOUT A DOUBT! So, what does this mean? OUGHT TO BE THANKFUL!

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