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Dairy Cattle 11-12th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Dairy Cattle 11-12th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dairy Cattle 11-12th Grade

2 Learning Targets I can identify various breeds of Dairy Cattle
I can identify proper terminology used for Dairy Cattle?

3 Jersey Highest Fat and Protein. Introduced 1850 800-1200lbs
Color: Brown, Tan, Black Origin: Channel Island

4 Holstein Produce largest amount of milk. Introduced 1621
Color: Black and White lbs Origin: Netherlands

5 Guernseys Introduced 1831 Low number in the U.S.
High Butterfat content. Origin: Channel Island Guernsey lbs

6 Brown Swiss Very Large Introduced 1869 Used in cheese making.
2nd largest producing milk cow. Origin: Switzerland lbs

7 Ayrshire Good grazing ability Introduced 1822 Origin: Scotland
lbs Strong and least amount of leg problems

8 Milking Shorthorn Introduced 1968 Origin: Great Britain 1000-1500LBS
Calving ease

9 Red and White Holstein Originated from Holstein Introduced 1918
Origin: Netherlands LBS

10 Milking Industry 10 Million Dairy Cows in the U.S.
Average cow produces 15000lbs of milk a year. 1 Dairy Cow provides enough milk for 25 people Average herd is cows.

11 Milking Industry 6. 98% of all dairy farms are family owned ,000 dairy farms in the United States. 8. All 50 states have dairy farms.

12 Top Milking States California Wisconsin New York Pennsylvania

13 Dairy Facts 1 Dairy Cow drinks 300lbs of water a day.
6 Major Dairy Breeds in the United States. Top 6 Counties in Dairy Farming. 1st Barren, 2nd Adair, 3rd Fleming, 4th Marion, 5th Metcalf, 6th Lincoln Ky. Ranks 22nd in the Nation

14 Cold Housing Unheated barn for cows.

15 Warm Housing Warm Housing: Barn is heated and cooled.

16 Dry Cow Cow that has stopped milking

17 Veal Usually male calf raised on milk. Harvested at a young age.

18 Functional Type Traits of a cow good enough to keep.

19 Linear Evaluation Coding of 15 primary traits of a dairy cow.

20 Lactating Cow Giving milk.

21 DHI Dairy Herd Improvement Program

22 Mastitis Mammary Gland Infection

23 Infertility Failure to conceive

24 Bull Male calf

25 Heifers Female who has not had a calf.

26 Steer Castrated bull calf

27 Calving/Freshen Giving birth.

28 Milk Letdown Cow relaxes and releases milk in the udder.

29 Mammary System 4 Mammary Glands 1 Udder

30 Milking Parlor Cows are milked. Milked 1 or 2 times a day.

31 Milk Tank Holds milk until milk can be collected by truck.
Keeps milk cool.

32 Milking Bowl Holds milk when removed from cow.

33 Free Stall Barn Cows rest in barn after milking.

34 Calf Hutch Houses baby calves. Keep calves from getting sick.

35 Total Mixed Ration Ration formulated to meet requirements of the cow in which all ingredients are blended together in a mixer.

36 Dairy Feed Corn Hay Syrup Silage Grass Soybean Products
Cotton Seed Hulls

37 Silo Upright concrete or fiberglass for storing chopped silage.

38 Raw Millk Milk that has not been pasteurized before consumption.

39 Grade (A) milk Milk eligible for class 1 usage.
Consumption as fluid milks and creams. ( Buttermilk, Milk Drinks, Skim Milk)

40 Pasteurization Method to kill harmful pathogens through heat treatment.

41 Teat Appendage on a cow’s udder through which from the udder flows

42 Udder Four mammary glands or quarters 1 Udder

43 Teat Dip Pre and Post Milking. Substance that kills bacteria and helps to seal

44 Oxytocin Naturally secreted hormone that is important in milk letdown.

45 Milking Machine Machine used to extract milk from the cows.

46 Hoof Trimmer Professional who specializes in trimming of cow’s hooves.

47 Colostrum Milk produced during the first 2 or 3 days after calving.
Higher in solids than normal milk.

48 Dam Female parent of calf.

49 Sire Male parent of calf.

50 Dairy Nutritionist Animal health professional who recommends optimal diets of feed for cows.

51 Fresh Cow Cow that has recently given birth.

52 Holding Pen Area in which cows congregate prior to entering a milking parlor to be milked.

53 Milking Pit Sunken area that houses both the milk and some milking equipment during milk.

54 Flat Barn Milking Person milking the cows are at the same level.

55 Herringbone Parlor Cows stand side by side, angled towards the pit. This allows milking from the side of the udder.

56 Rotary Milking Parlor Cows ride on a rotating platform while being milked.

57 Walk through Once cows have been milked they walk through the front of the stall to exit.

58 Parallel Parlor Cows stand side by side while the operator stands in the center milking from behind the cow.

59 Robotic Parlor Milking cows with limited human contact.

60 Tie Stall Parlor Cows are tied and milked on the same level as the person.

61 Open Lots Open pens where cows are free to move around and eat.

62 Lagoon Pond with a Plastic liner to help prevent manure runoff into the ground.

63 Dairy Herdsman Manage the cow herd. Milking Feeding

64 Dairy Nutritionist Specializes in the nutritional needs of dairy cows.

65 Dairy Products Fluid Milk Egg Nogg Cheese Butter Yogurt Ice Cream
Cosmetics Meat

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