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What is a theme?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a theme?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a theme?

2 In a literary work, the theme is the author's major point, the central idea.  Theme goes beyond events of the plot to draw major conclusions, or at least have important questions, about life.

3 What are the 6 essential rules of finding a theme?

4 1. A theme is present start to finish in a story.

5 2. A theme is always in the form
of a complete thought.

6 3.A theme does not use “you’s” and names. It has to be general.

7 4. Themes are not preachy, they
avoid do’s and don’ts.

8 5. A theme is something that everyone can relate to. It is universal.

9 6. Never use a cliché as your theme.

10 Remember… Themes are universal.
Themes are present throughout the story. It is a complete thought. No You’s and no names (has to be general) It is not preachy (avoid do’s and don’ts). 6) No cliches.

11 Here are some examples:. Materialism corrupts and destroys
Here are some examples: *Materialism corrupts and destroys *Love can give someone great courage and strength *Creatures naturally prey on those who are weaker than themselves *Knowledge is power, but a power that can be abused. *A dream is good until it begins destroying other things of value in a person's life *There are more illusions than reality in life

12 Write a theme for your high school experience
Write a theme for your high school experience. Pay attention to all 6 rules…

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