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Kathy Calvin Executive Vice President UN Foundation

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1 Kathy Calvin Executive Vice President UN Foundation
How corporate philanthropy can contribute to advancing the Millennium Development Goals Presentation at ECOSOC Chamber Monday, February 25, 2008 New York Kathy Calvin Executive Vice President UN Foundation

2 Partnership Functions
Advocacy – Promote a cause or place an issue on policy agenda Operational – Provide project support, resource mobilization and service delivery to meet discrete needs Capacity Building - Develop skills, institutional means and resource bases for sustainable problem-solving Normative – Norms/standards setting and diffusion Joint Regulation - Bridge governance gaps; overcome governance failures

3 Institutional Challenges for UN partnerships
Some UN entities lack formal mechanisms to identify or select suitable partners PPPs can be better integrated into UN entities’ core programs Managing PPPs faces significant bureaucratic, budgetary and “cultural” obstacles in UN, especially at country levels There is no system-wide policy for PPPs, nor is there a process to disseminate lessons learned

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