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Unit 3 Travel journal.

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1 Unit 3 Travel journal

2 the longest river in Southeast Asia
the Mekong River

3 In China it is called the Lancang River – 澜沧江

4 Out of China, it is called
the Mekong River

5 What countries does the Mekong River flow through?
Myanmar Laos Cambodia Thailand Vietnam a

6 Journey down the Mekong
Predict What’s the reading about? Journey down the Mekong Part1 The dream and the plan

7 Skimming Decide which is the main idea of the passage
A. The author and his sister’s plan about their winter holiday. B. The experience during the author and his sister’s trip in Qinghai. C. The author and his sister’s plan and preparations for their trip. D. anecdotes(轶事)that happened during their trip. 

8 Read and find the main idea of each paragraph:
Dream Paragraph 1:_____________ Paragraph 2:_____________ Paragraph 3:_____________ A stubborn sister Preparation Preparation Dream A stubborn sister

9 Careful Reading 1.Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?
Read Paragraph1 quickly and answer the following questions 1.Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei? 2.What is their dream? 3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?

10 Skimming: Kun and Wang Wei? and sister, and both are college students.
1.Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei? They are brother and sister, and both are college students.

11 was to take a great bike trip.
2. What was their dream? Their dream was to take a great bike trip.

12 3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang? They are Wang Kun’s cousins who are at a college in Kunming.

13 Paragraph 2: A stubborn sister
Q1: Did Wang Wei give Wang Kun a determined look when Wang Kun told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai? Q2: Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why? Yes

14 Q2: Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why?
Yes. She insisted that she ______________ the trip properly. Once she has ________________, nothing can change it. (should) organize made up her mind xlj

15 Preparation What can they see along the Mekong?
Paragraph 3: Preparation What can they see along the Mekong? xlj

16 glacier plain waterfall delta valley rapids

17 1 glacier 2 valley 3 waterfall plain 4 delta 5

18 Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?
The Mekong begins in a _____ on a _______. At first, the river is small. Then it becomes _____ as it passed through deep ______,travelling across_______ ______ Province. Sometimes the river becomes a_______ and enters ______ ______. It makes wide______or meanders through ____ _______ to the______where rice grows. At last the river delta enters _________________.

19 Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?
The Mekong begins in a ________ on a ______________. glacier Tibetan mountain

20 Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?
At first, the river is small. Then it becomes _____ as it passed through deep ______,travelling across_______ ______ Province. Sometimes the river becomes a_______ and enters ______ ______. rapids valleys western Yunnan waterfall wide valleys

21 Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?
It makes wide______or meanders through ____ _______ to the______where rice grows. bends low valleys plains

22 Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?
At last the river delta enters _________________. the South China Sea

23 What do you think of the plan of reading ?Why?
Discuss What do you think of the plan of reading ?Why? I think it is… because …

24 I think it is interesting because…..

25 Summary and homework 1.Search the Internet for more information about the Mekong River 2. Review the passage after class and pay attention to new words and phrases. 3.Write down your opinions about the question in the discussion.

26 Goodbye

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