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damage and even deafnees.

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1 damage and even deafnees.
Modul 8 Other Hazards Compressed air Compressed air Lines are used in industry for many purposes. At the normal pressure for industrial use, air line can cause serious injuries or even death. Accidents with compressed air can occur in the following ways: 1) 2) 3) During ‘blowing down’ (cleaning machines with an air line). Pareticle of dust or metal can be driven at high speed into the operator’s eyes or skin (Fig. 37). Air can enter your skin through cuts and other small injuries. If air enters the blood, it wil cause death. It is therefore very dangerous to point an air line at a persen. If workers are exposes to noise from air line over a long period, this can cause ear damage and even deafnees. Health hazards – dust and toxic fumes Certain kinds of dust are health hazards – that is, they harm the health of worker. dust not only harm the skin. It can also be breathed into the lungs and cause internal irritation. Dust like this is called an irritant. Glass, metal and asbestos all produce harmful dust. Some metal, such as lead and mercury, are not only irritants but also poisons. Other metal- like zinc and aluminium – produce poisonous oxides in from of fine dust. Many different chemicals and other substances are used in industry. The fumes, or harmful vapour, from some the these can seriously damage health (Fig. 38). The toxic, or poisonous, effects of these substances are not always seen immedialtely. But they can cause permanent illness. Dust masks or respirators are worn for protection against dust and fumes. And in workplaces with a lot of dust and fumes, special extractor fans are often used. Noise Noise is a ‘waste’ product of industry. Workers who are exposed to constant noise can suffer ear damage, tiredness and nervous disorders. If it is not possible to reduce the level of noise, operators can be protected with special ear-muffs. Or ‘noise barriers’ can be built. Lighting Good lighting is needed for good work. It is also important for the good health and safety of the worker. In poor lighting, the worker can suffer from eyestrain and headaches. In addition, accidents can happen.

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