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CEE Citizens Network – aktivity v oblasti rozvoja občianskej spoločnosti Bratislava 4th October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CEE Citizens Network – aktivity v oblasti rozvoja občianskej spoločnosti Bratislava 4th October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEE Citizens Network – aktivity v oblasti rozvoja občianskej spoločnosti
Bratislava 4th October 2013

2 Central and Eastern European Citizen’s Network (CEE CN)
The Central and Eastern European Citizens Network (CEECN) was created to provide opportunities to promote citizen participation in the CEE region and provide grassroots initiatives with the chance to learn and exchange experiences and ideas. The main objectives of the Citizens Network are: To increase the general public’s awareness of the potential citizen initiatives can have and their positive impacts throughout the CEE region. To increase skills and capacities of citizens to more effectively participate in local and national development. To promote citizen participation throughout the CEE region.

3 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia,
The Network has more than 30 member organisations in 18 post-communist countries. Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia Ukraine.

4 CEE CN – main activities
The network is involved in a number of different activities, the three main ones being: Citizen Participation Week (CPW) Citizen Participation University (CPU) Citizen Participation Study (CPS)

5 Citizen Participation Week

6 Citizen Participation University
An activity which takes place during early summer for people working in the field of citizen participation, providing time for reflection through a combination of theory and experiences

7 Citizen Participation Study

8 Working Together for Development
Right Project Wrong Reason

9 Development Cooperation
Opened new model of work

10 Development Cooperation
Tools to help us achieve our goals, Exchanges and joint projects between members, Provide resources to help build capacity a civil society for non- EU members especially in countries like Armenia and Georgia.

11 4 mini-grant projects Romania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia

12 Romania Project: Action Plan For Moldavian Youth
Address issues connected to large number of Moldavian Youth in Craiova

13 Poland Czech Republic Project: Be a Part! NGO Support Center in Bialystok initiate debate between local authorities, NGOs and city regarding public services and cultural and educational programs Particular focus on Checnian immigrants Project: Local Authorities nad NGOs as partners in Community Led Local Development CCO Central Moravia FYROM - Macedonia

14 Slovakia Project: Week for Tanzania
Promote relationship between community foundations in Banská Bystrica and Arusha Raise additional Resources to support work in Tanzania

15 Week for Tanzania

16 Conclusions Finding new tools to achieve goals of Citizens Network
Help to bridge gap between EU members and non EU members Increased cooperation between civil society and local authorities New way of thinking and seeing role of civil society

17 Thanks for your attention
Contact: Chuck Hirt

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